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Later he had been captured by the Algerians, being one of the last captives enslaved before the occupation of Algiers by the French. There he ran a terrible risk of death once upon a time when one out of every ten of the captives was killed in revenge for the assassination of a wicked Moor whose body was found crammed into a latrine.

But I didn't dream of such a thing being done down here although, I know it is done further north in Africa among the Moors and Algerians." Cujo now went off on another scout and did not return until the sun was setting. Again he was full of smiles. "I can show you a way up de rocks," he said. "We can get to the walls of um fort, as you call um, without being seen."

He continued even after I had rewarded him with some cigarettes. The Senegalais and the Algerians are really great children, especially when they are wounded. I have seen convalescent Senegalais and Algerians in Paris spend hours in the Champs Elysées watching the entertainment at the open-air marionette theatre. The antics of the dolls kept them amused.

That is why we see arrayed upon the fields of battle not only French, British, Russian, Italian, Serbian, Belgian, Rumanian, Greek and Portuguese soldiers, but Canadians, Australians, New Zealanders, South Africans, Indians, Algerians, Senegalese, Cambodians; and now, alongside of all these, the citizens of the American Republic.

There was no answer, and the Algerians looked round at each other, for all the world like children in a school. It was very curious to see these dark, heavy, wild faces bent over these disused desks. "Abdullah Taleb," cried the interpreter. "Moi," answered a voice from a stretcher in the shadows of the floor.

Legislative proposals on the use of the military resources offered by the native Algerians and the West African negroes have not yet been laid before Parliament by the Government. It cannot yet be seen to what extent the native and black troops will be increased. The former Minister of War, Messimy, had advocated a partial conscription of the native Algerians.

The greatest secrecy was observed, and nobody but the guides knew our destination, and we followed them in silence up the shell-pitted road and across the pontoon bridge that spanned the Yser Canal. Various dark forms hobbled past, their baggy trousers showing them to be Algerians.

I hastened to the dugout he had indicated as Scotty's retreat and found him in the innermost corner, pretending to be asleep; he didn't answer until I called him three or four times. "Scotty, the O.C. wants to know why you left the cookhouse without guard permitting some Algerians to eat up his bacon and stuff, and, further, why you ran away under fire.

He was not a Washington, however, and the French people were only exchanging one tyrant for another. The Algerians, those barbarous North African pirates, had been forcing the Americans to pay tribute.

Grim figured a moment and worked out the corresponding date according to our western calendar. "Leaves six days," he said pleasantly. "It means the French intend to attack Damascus seven days from now." "Let 'em!" Jeremy exploded. "Feisul'll give 'em ! All they've got are Algerians." "The French have poison gas," Grim answered dourly. "Feisul's men have no masks." "Get 'em some!"