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As time passed, it seemed to people who hurried by the house in the narrow street, that the crocodile grew larger and larger. It was said that it had been fed on the children of men Tiger Ahmed had murdered in Sennaar.

At the end of six months, prince Ahmed, who always loved and honoured the sultan his father, felt a great desire to know how he was; and as that desire could not be satisfied without his absenting himself, he mentioned his wish to the fairy, and requested she would give him leave to visit the sultan. This request alarmed the fairy, and made her fear it was only an excuse to leave her.

And once more before his eyes rose the vision of Violet Oliver. Ahmed Ismail had risen to his feet and stood watching his Prince with eager, anxious eyes. Shere Ali crossed to the table and turned down the lamp, which was smoking. Then he went to the window and thrust the shutters open. He turned round suddenly upon Ahmed. "Were you ever in Mecca?"

Presently, he turned to Hassan Shouman and his men and said to them, 'Plead ye for me with Captain Ahmed ed Denef, that he accept me as his son before God. And Ahmed ed Denef assented, saying, 'I and my forty men will go before thee to the Divan every day.

Then Ahmed and Ali took Alaeddin and carried him to the house of the former, to whom said he, 'O my father, may God abundantly requite thee! 'O Alaeddin, said Ahmed, 'what is this thou hast done? God's mercy on him who said, "Whoso trusteth in thee, betray him not, though thou be a traitor."

"It's like blood," he muttered, and smiled. Madam hastily covered his mouth with her trembling fingers. Just before midnight Ahmed arrived with his two friends. Gregorio saw them at once, and, calling them to him, they spoke together in low voices for a few moments.

The sultan of the Indies was obliged to remain satisfied with this answer; which left him in the same uneasiness as before as to the prince's situation. To return to prince Ahmed.

'Very well, my lord, said the old woman, 'I will set off at once for the bridge. And wrapping her veil round her she went out. Midnight was striking as she reached the spot where she had met the head so many hours before. 'Ahmed! Ahmed! Ahmed! cried she, and immediately a huge negro, as tall as a giant, stood on the bridge before her. 'What do you want? asked he.

The brave man who had sunk to the ground in a heap was not Sheikh Ahmed, but Bimjee, the village barber! "Hastily consigning Devaka to the care of women standing by, I hurried forward. "'Sheikh Ahmed is in that house, I cried, 'probably overpowered by the smoke. We must save him. Who will come with me? "All remained silent. Then some one called out: "'It is no use, Chunda Das.

Then the magician related to the Sultan of the Indies the whole story of all that happened from beginning to end. When the magician had ended, she said, 'What does your majesty think of these unheard-of riches of the fairy? Perhaps you will say you rejoice at the good fortune of Prince Ahmed your son.