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Updated: August 11, 2024

But this answer was of no avail; they pressed him all the more keenly, and he fully understood that their object was to gain him over to admiration and love. They advised him, adjured him not to yield to any fatal disillusion, but to persist and wait until Rome should have revealed to him her soul.

The little numismatician returned to Washington, and having failed in all the hopes of his life, took translating and any other writing he could find to do. But there a certain high official having treated him unworthily, he adjured him much as he had adjured the unjust judge; and a fortnight afterward the official had gone to join the judge.

Look, cap'n, look overside, do 'e, and tell me, if you can, what monstrous thing we've a-run foul of now." And as he spoke he pointed straight downward. George, thus adjured, leaned over the gunwale and directed his gaze downward. What he saw was startling enough to cause him to suddenly shift his helm, with the result that the sail jibed over unexpectedly and all but capsized the boat.

Thus adjured, Miles unwillingly cut the cable, and drifted into a passage. "My dear sir," said the little man, seizing his hand, "I congratulate you." "You're very kind, but pray, explain why." "I find that you are heir to a considerable fortune." Miles was somewhat interested in this, and asked, "How's that?" "Well, you remember Hardy's will, which you put into my hands a few days ago?"

And as it is for paying homage unto Nala that I have adopted this vow, for the sake of that truth, O, let the gods reveal him unto me, O, let the exalted guardians of the worlds assume their own proper forms, so that I may know the righteous king. Hearing these piteous words of Damayanti, and ascertaining her fixed resolve, and fervent love for the king of Nishadhas, the purity of her heart and her inclination and regard and affection for Nala, the gods did as they had been adjured, and assumed their respective attributes as best they could.

Like most gentlemen of his profession, Dr. Maxwell discusses matters of the utmost delicacy with refreshing freedom, an example which I must follow to some extent if I would expose his fallacies; hence the "young person" unless indeed she be studying to become a doctor or a writer of "realistic" fiction is solemnly adjured to dive no deeper here. Dr.

His unidentified merchant friend who had adjured him to become acclimated as "they all did" had also exhorted him to study the human mass of which he had become a unit; but whether that study, if pursued, was sweetening and ripening, or whether it was corrupting him, that friend did not come to see; it was the busy time of year.

But when the ex-chief of the Egyptians whom the Lord had already convinced that He considered him worthy of the aid his name promised adjured them to rely on God's omnipotence, his words produced a very different effect from those uttered by Aaron whose monitions they had heard daily since their departure.

"There, you hear him let us through, friends," said Leonard, "let us through!" Thus adjured the throng opened a path, and Leonard and Otter passed down it, many suspicious eyes scanning them as they went. "A greeting to you, senor," said Leonard when they had emerged in front of the verandah. "Curse your greeting! Who in Satan's name are you?"

Before that God who made you, into whose presence there can come no thief, tell me if you have the ring?" Thus adjured, Mary raised her eyes, and once more assured her father in the most solemn manner that she was innocent of the charge. The old man had put his daughter to a severe test, and now he was satisfied of her innocence. "My child," he cried, "I do believe you.

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