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'In thirty minutes I distributes this yere hamlet 'round in the landscape same as them Greasers; which feat becomin' hist'ry, I then canters back to Red Dog. "'Well, says Enright, 'it's plenty p'lite to let us know what's comin' this a-way. "'Oh!

""Which if you was my wife, I'd shore take it," says my grandfather; for them epithets spurs him on the raw, an' he forgets he's a gent, that a-way, an' lets fly this yere retort before he can give himse'f the curb.

"Miss Tildy," said he, "I want to apologise for what I done the other evenin'. Tell you the truth, I was pretty well tanked up or I wouldn't of done it. I wouldn't do no lady that a-way when I was sober. So I hope, Miss Tildy, you'll accept my 'pology, and believe that I wouldn't of done it if I'd known what I was doin' and hadn't of been drunk." With this handsome plea Mr.

Old Coyote mixes his p'isen with beef tallow, biles them ingredients up together a lot, an' then, while she's melted that a-way, he pours it into these yere auger holes an' lets it cool. It gets good an' hard, this arsenic-tallow does, an' then Coyote drags the timber thus reg'lated out onto the plains to what he regyards as a elegible local'ty an' leaves it for the wolves to come an' batten on.

As they passes, Texas turns as f'rocious as forty timber wolves, an' claps his hand on the shoulder of the Signal party. "'How's this yere? says Texas, shakin' back his long ha'r. An' he shorely looks hardened, that a-way. "'How's what? says the Signal man, who's astonished to death. "'You saveys mighty well, says Texas.

She was quite satisfied with these, and passed a quiet day with them in a box. This was not fair, the Virginian asserted. "You ain't going to jus' leave her fooled that a-way?" I did not see why not. "Why, she raised them puppies all right. Ain't she showed she knows how to be a mother anyways? Em'ly ain't going to get her time took up for nothing while I'm round hyeh," said the cowpuncher.

"Black Jack, the barkeep, don't know this party from a cross-L steer; he gets them mandates from Peets, but it never does strike Black Jack that this yere is the dyin' sport allooded to. In darkness that a-way, Black Jack tosses a glass on the bar an' shoves the bottle. It shore looks like that failin' shorthorn is goin' to quit winner, them recooperatifs. "But, son, he's interrupted.

However, it won't take long, this Watkins killin'; an' seein' my moods is in the saddle that a-way, I may as well let you have it. This yere ain't a story exackly; it's more like a aneckdote; but it allers strikes me as sheddin' a ray on them speshul Providences. "This Watkins is a mere yooth; he jumps into Wolfville from the Texas Panhandle, where, it's rumored, he's been over free with a gun.

"'Don't you-all think, says Boggs, appealin' to Enright, 'don't you reckon now if me an' Tutt an' Jack Moore, all casooal like, was to take our guns an' go cuttin' up the dust about the moccasins of them malcontent printers merely in our private capacity, I means it would he'p solve this yere deadlock a whole lot? Boggs is a heap headlong that a-way, an' likin' the Colonel, nacherally he's eager to take his end.

The outline of Roseen's pretty face and head stood out cameo-like against the background of sunlit stone; Mike's gaze fastened itself there and could not detach itself. There was a long pause, then with a great effort he forced himself to speak. "Roseen, darlint, there's not a ha'porth of good the two of us goin' on this a-way; we may as well talk out plain.