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We were all confused through taking Mr Frewen's stuff." "I never took none o' the doctor's stuff," growled Dumlow. "And I don't never mean to." "Are you sure o' what you're saying, sir?" said Bob Hampton. "Certain, Bob." "I arn't." "You hold your tongue, and don't be sarcy, Neb," growled Bob. "I'm a-beginning to see now. Mr Dale's right.

I gets to the U-nited States; and then I DO begin, I won't deny it, to feel some little credit in sustaining my spirits. What follows? Jest as I'm a-beginning to come out, and am a-treadin' on the werge, my master deceives me. 'Deceives you! cried Tom. 'Swindles me, retorted Mr Tapley with a beaming face.

"All he said was as he had got the codicil in safe keeping under lock and key. Just put to Matiss the simplest question, and he'll turn round and ask what business it is of yours." "Quite right of him, too," said Lionel. "Have you any news of your son yet, Roy?" Roy shook his head. "No, sir. I'm a-beginning to wonder now whether there ever will be news of him."

It ain't Christian, and as like as not, it's slandering the poor feller to say it, but my 'pinion is, that Ben Benson's a-beginning to hate that ere gal like pizon." Mabel was so occupied with new thoughts, that she did not hear the conclusion of this speech, but sat gazing steadily on the carpet. "What can all this mean," she reflected.

"Be this th' cottage o' Humfrey Lemon th' farrier?" saith she. "It be so; and I be he," saith I. "And be thou th' father o' th' wench they call th' Farrier Lass o' Piping Pebworth?" saith she. "I be, an' proud o't," say I, a-beginning to think that she might 'a' knocked at th' door, for all her greatness. "Where's th' lass?" saith she, as she might 'a' said "Where's my glove?"

Ben bade them good-night, and in his capacity of host walked up the wharf with them and saw them depart. "Nice little thing, ain't she?" said the watchman who was standing there, after Mrs. Tipping had bidden the mate good-bye; "be careful wot you're a-doin' of, Ben. Don't go and spile yourself by a early marriage, just as you're a-beginning to get on in life.