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Deficit on settling the books..... $1,837.00 Damage on furniture and fixtures..... 243.69 Bad debts, including debts of associates considered doubtful....... 678.08 I. Morton............................ 17.74 Total.............................. $2,776.51

Neither the French Admiral nor anybody else would have expected the British fleet to run their ships between them and the shore at the risk of grounding. The Culloden did ground. The French had 11 out of 13 ships put out of action, but the British fleet suffered severely also, and the loss of men was serious. Out of a total of 7,401 men, 218 were killed and 678 wounded.

Taylor was very ready to make this admission, because the party with which he was connected was not in power. There was then some truth in it, owing to the pertinacity of factious clamour. Had he lived till now, it would have been impossible for him to deny that his Majesty possesses the warmest affection of his people. BOSWELL. See post, March 21, 1783. Hist. xxvii. 678. See ante, i. 430.

For the campaign of 678 Sertorius again employed the corps of Hirtuleius against Metellus, while Perpenna with a strong army took up his position along the lower course of the Ebro to prevent Pompeius from crossing the river, if he should march, as was to be expected, in a southerly direction with the view of effecting a junction with Metellus, and along the coast for the sake of procuring supplies for his troops.

"The net land revenue has risen in the ten years beginning 1870-71 from £20,335,678, or nearly half the total net revenue of £42,780,417, by about two millions sterling, to £22,125,807, with a total net revenue of £49,801,664. The gross revenue of the latter year, 1879-80, was £68,484,666, the difference being derived from sources other than taxation, such as the opium monopoly.

What is the number of your book?" "No. 5,678," said Dick. "Now give me a little description of this Travis whom you suspect." Dick accordingly furnished a brief outline sketch of Travis, not particularly complimentary to the latter. "That will answer. I think I shall know him," said the cashier. "You may depend upon it that he shall receive no money on your account." "Thank you," said Dick.

A. Loudon Snowden, the able superintendent for several years of the United States Mint at Philadelphia. Total. . $822,525,000 $38,400,000 Total. . $678,805,000 $467,011,000 Total Gold for thirty-two years, $1,501,330,000. Total Silver, $505,411,000 Total $1,072,125,000 $649,800,000 Total $1,008,420,000 $716,864,000 Total Gold, $2,080,545,000. Total Silver, $1,366,664,000.

Moreover, it was pointed out that contracts must be interpreted in the light of rights reserved to the State in its constitution and in the light of its general laws of incorporation under which the charters were granted. * Olcott vs. The Supervisors, 16 Wallace, 678. These court decisions established principles which even now are of vital concern to business and politics.

The peasantry, the mushiks, whom the Russians had feared to trust infuriated by the destruction of their homes, committed awful atrocities upon the starving, freezing soldiers, who, maddened by cold and hunger and by the singing in their ears of the rarefied air, many of them leaped into the bivouac fires. It was a colossal tragedy. Of the 678,000 soldiers only 80,000 ever returned.

July 9 President Wilson drafts state militia into federal service. Also places food and fuel under federal control. July 13 War department order drafts 678,000 men into military service. July 14 Aircraft appropriation bill of $640,000,000 passes house; Chancellor von Bethmann-Hollweg's resignation forced by German political crisis.