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Spiritual ideas, compared with natural, are ideas of ideas, 326. There is not any idea of natural thought adequate to any idea of spiritual thought, 326. Spiritual ideas are supernatural, inexpressible, ineffable, and incomprehensible to the natural man, 326. One natural idea contains innumerable spiritual ideas, and one spiritual idea contains innumerable celestial ideas, 329.

When he was sent to prison for preaching, he felt for her far more than for all other worldly objects. 'My poor blind child. O the thoughts of the hardship she might go under would break my heart to pieces. Grace Abounding, No. 320 and 329. Ed. It is a stupendous and unspeakably blessed privilege that Christ and believers are one flesh.

The old tree some few years ago fell altogether, but another sprang from the same root, which is now tall and flourishing; and lang be it sae." Allan Ramsay's Works, vol. i. p. 329: "Stocks in 1720." 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1800.

A description of the many devices in each of these divisions would require more space than is available; hence, we shall confine ourselves to a few items of predominating importance, already referred to in the narrative, commencing with the fundamental magnetic ore separator, which was covered by United States Patent No. 228,329, issued June 1, 1880.

Though discovered so long ago that we make friends with the conquistadores when we approach its history, it remained, with the other canyons of the river, a problem for 329 years thereafter, that is, till 1869. Discovery does not mean knowledge, and knowledge does not mean publicity.

Mary Bateson, Letters from the Bishops to the Privy Council, 1564, with Returns of the Justices of the Peace, etc., in Camden Miscellany, ix . By 1 Eliz. c. 2, bishops could at pleasure associate themselves to justices of oyer and terminer or of assize. Cf. Strype, Whitgift, 329. Presentments on this score are frequent.

"In our issue of your very popular paper we noticed a cartoon, "Pity the boys in Siberia," but what about us, Ed? Now, up here in this tough town there are 269,83l. inhabitants, of which 61,329 are human beings and 208,502 are dogs. Dogs of every description from the poodle to the St.

The regular army of Sweden oh a peace footing is composed of 34,329 enlisted men, 3,729 officers, 1,655 musicians, 840 engineers, and 623 members of the staff, making a total effective fighting force of 39,114. Of these 6,891 are cavalry and 3,432 artillery. These forces compose the garrisons at Stockholm and other principal cities of the country, and are at all times under arms.

The losses were: First Division,* commanded by Osterhaus 144 Second Division,* commanded by Asboth 119 Third Division, commanded by Colonel Jeff C. Davis 329 Fourth Division, commanded by Colonel Carr 701 *Divisions were commanded by General Siegel.

A definite, systematic method for the application of Galvanic and Faradaic currents of electricity to the human organism, for curing or aiding in the cure of given classes of diseases. 2d. Improvements in the methods of applying electricity, as stated on pages 293 to 296, and 300, 329, and 332, which we have not room to copy. 3d.