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A pleasant incident of the journey was the receipt of a statement from her publisher giving her credit for $6,212, and she is able to say that she has "$10,000 well invested and more coming in all the time," and that she thinks "we may venture to enjoy ourselves, after the hard times we have had."

Pratt made the following report to the Secretary of State of the United States: Consulate-General of the United States, Singapore, April 30, 1898. Sir: Referring to my dispatch No. 212, of the 28th instant, I have the honor to report that in the second and last interview I had with Gen.

In 1815, the supply of firewood for the city required 1,200,000 steres, or cubic metres; in 1859 it had fallen to 501,805, while, in the meantime, the consumption of coal had risen from 600,000 to 4,320,000 metrical quintals. See Clave, Etudes, p. 212.

END, the, and the cause, in what is to be effected and in effects, act in unity because they act together, 387. The end, cause, and effect successively progress as three things, but in the effect itself they make one, 401. Every end considered in itself is a love, 212. Every end appertains to the will, every cause to the understanding, and every effect to action, 400.

MARCELLUM: the captor of Syracuse in 212 B.C. He fell into an ambush in 208 and was killed; Hannibal buried him with military honors. CUIUS INTERITUM: abstract for concrete = quem, post interitum. CRUDELISSIMUS HOSTIS: this, the traditional Roman view of Hannibal, is the reverse of the truth, so far as extant testimony goes. See Mommsen, Hist. of Rome, Bk. III. Ch. 4; Ihne, Hist. of Rome, Bk.

In 1909 there were 15,000 deserted farms with a total of 1,130,000 acres. The average size of farms in the United States in 1850 was 212 acres; in 1890, 121 acres. Wages in the reaping season on fruit, grain, and cotton farms are enormous, running to four and five dollars a day. We are behind every country in Europe except Russia, in our agricultural methods.

The whole trouble is air-bubbles. The hotter it is poured the greater the amount of air-bubbles. At 212 it can be put on rods and there is no bubble. I have a man experimenting and testing all the time. Until I get at the proper method of pouring and getting rid of the air-bubbles, it will be waste of time to experiment with other asphalts. Resin oil distils off easily.

International American Conference, Vol. International American Conference, Vol. Moore, "Digest of International Law," Vol. VII, pp. 9-10. International American Conference, Vol. Ibid., p. 255. Bulletin of the Pan American Union, Vol. 31, p. 796. Am. Journal of International Law, Vol. 10, p. 212. John Bassett Moore, "Principles of American Diplomacy," pp. 407-408.

"Murder?" whispered the clerks in unison. "Murder your granny! Naw! Just a fight between 212 and 214, because both of 'em have flown the roost. But take a peek at what I found on the table." It was a case of blue velours. The boy threw back the lid dramatically. "War medals?" "If they are I never piped 'em before. They ain't French or British."

In addition it has 10 cruiser battleships, and 38 older battleships, most of the latter likely to be of little service for warlike duty. There are also 45 first-class, and 70 second and third-class cruisers, 58 torpedo boats, 212 destroyers and 85 submarines, the whole forming a total navel strength approaching that of any two of the other Powers.