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"What did she say?" gurgled Flossie. "Was it something real reezk?" "Well, it was at a late supper a studio supper given in her honor," I confessed. "Yes-s-s-s," hissed the Whalens. "And this actress she was one of those musical comedy actresses, you know; I remember her part called for a good deal of kicking about in a short Dutch costume came in rather late, after the performance.

Hayden mentioned the beauty of the day it was overcast the charm of this soft and mild weather an east wind blew piercingly and diffidently assumed that after a day in her studio, she would as usual take the air by walking home through the Park. Yes-s-s-s, she probably would.

We drew pictures of our desired goodies on the marble-topped table, using a soft-lead pencil. Rosie's countenance wore a distracted look. In desperation I was about to accompany her to the crowded shop, there to point out my chosen dainties when suddenly, as they would put it here, a light went her over. "Ach, yes-s-s-s!

"Yes-s-s-s " Pierre dropped the tent-flap and returned to the fire. He staggered as he walked. "Good night, boy," he said. "Guess I'd better go in with the kids. Two days more forty miles two days " Kazan watched him as he entered the tent. He laid his weight against the end of his chain until the collar shut off his wind. His legs and back twitched.

George begins with a preliminary glance behind at Geoffrey: 'Happy there, my boy? That's right. Well, there was once a beautiful garden. 'Yes-s-s-s, go the three solemn young heads. 'And it was full of the most wonderful things. 'Yes-s-s-s.

Doesn't anybody" his tone was sardonic "doesn't anybody urge that they be massacred as an act of piety?" "Yes-s-s-s," admitted the doctor reluctantly. "It's mentioned in political speeches." "But how's it rationalized?" demanded Calhoun. "What's the argument to make pigment-patches involve moral and physical degradation, as I'm assured is the case?"

She was wearing a regal-looking fur-edged evening wrap, and she still wore all her make-up" out of the corner of my eye I saw Sis sink back with an air of resignation "and she threw open the door and said "Yes-s-s-s!" hissed the Whalens again, wetting their lips. " said: 'Folks, I just had a wire from mother, up in Maine. The boy has the croup. I'm scared green.

'Now, would you like to hear what the grasshopper had to tell? 'Oh, yes-s-s-s. 'Well, you shall to-morrow night! So off his knees they went, as he rose with a merry, loving laugh, and kissed away the long sighs of disappointment, and sent them to bed, agog for all the morrow's night should reveal. Need one say that the children were not the only disappointed listeners?