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At first I wondered why this particular little grove, by no means peculiarly inviting in appearance, should be the favorite resort of so many birds, robins, orioles, wood pewees, kingbirds, chippers, golden warblers, black-and-white creepers, prairie warblers, red-eyed vireos, and blue yellow-backs; but I presently concluded that a fine spring of water just across the road must be the attraction.

They would find nothing in his pocket-book but some visiting and membership cards, a couple of addresses and a few yellow-backs and silver certificates. "The letter doesn't seem to be there which I much regret, but these visiting cards may be useful in our business; with your permission I'll take them. Thank you, Mr. Harleston." He folded the book and returned it to Harleston's pocket.

"Right!" agreed Hamvert briskly and from his inside pocket produced a package of crisp new bills, yellow-backs, and evidently of large denominations. "Half down and half on delivery that's our deal." "Dat's wot!" assented the Weasel curtly. Hamvert began to count the bills. Jimmie Dale's hand stole into his pocket, and came out with his handkerchief and the thin metal insignia case.

The next afternoon Faust reported at Crane's rooms with the rescued note in his possession. He had been successful. "I give a dozen of 'em a turn," he said, "before I run again' Jimmie Farrell. He had it snuggled away next his chest among a lot of yellow-backs, good Dutchman money." "Does he know who bet it?" "Not his name some stranger; he'd know him if he saw him, he says."

But before I could follow up the impression he was making me an offer which put everything but his free-hearted generosity out of my mind. "You haven't said a word, Bert, and if it's none of my business, you can tell me so but if a couple of these yellow-backs would come in handy to you just now, they're yours and you can toss 'em back to me any old time when you're good and ready."

Meanwhile up in Bobby's dusty old room, called by courtesy "The Study" but having little evidence of literature about it save an edition of Whyte-Melville and a miscellaneous collection of Yellow-backs, Peter had poured out his soul: "Bobby, I feel as though I'd just been set up with my back against the wall for every one to make shies at. Everything's going wrong everything.