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And when Molly declared that she should probably cry if they did not immediately allow her to have her own way, the other three wymps were obliged to follow Queer's example. "You are a real Queen, and you may do as you like," they said in a resigned tone; and Molly clapped her hands with delight.

Now, even fairies are apt to do stupid things sometimes, especially when they are flustered and the wymps have been at work; so there may be some excuse for what they did on that particular morning.

It is really a wonder that the Fairy Queen has not lost patience with the wymps long ago; but people say that she has more affection for her naughty little subjects at the back of the sun than any one would imagine; and the Fairy Queen is so wonderful that it is quite possible to believe this.

They behaved very noisily when they got there; and they ate every bit of the christening cake and ended in giving the baby Prince the only nice gift the wymps have the power to give; and that is the nicest gift in the world, for it is called Laughter.

"Please, your Majesty," said Capricious, who had been waiting anxiously to be asked this very question for quite a long time, "it is because the wymps are so much occupied in looking after their new Queen that they have no time to play tricks on us." "Ah," said her Majesty, smiling wisely, "does she seem happy at the back of the sun?"

The fairies say, however, that they would never dream of being jealous of people who live at the back of the sun and do not know manners; while the wymps say it would be absurd to be jealous of any one who lives at the front of the sun and cannot take a joke.

"Of Kings we 've had many, but never a Queen; So bewymping a monarch we 've surely not seen; And Skilful and Wilful and Captious and Queer Though we are, yet we know how to welcome you here! "You 'll surely bewymp all the wymps you come near Besides Skilful and Wilful and Captious and Queer; By the time you have gone and your wymping is done, The world will have changed at the back of the sun."

"She has ruled the shoemaker and the shoemaker's wife and the shoemaker's customers for seven years and a half; doubtless, she will have no difficulty in ruling Wympland. So let no time be lost, Capricious, and see that Molly wakes up from her morning sleep and finds herself on the Wymp King's throne. She will look after the wymps for a time, and I shall have some peace.

The four little fellows looked more dismal than a wymp had ever been known to look before, and so did all the wymps in Wympland as soon as they heard that their bewymping Queen was going away from them. "Can we do nothing to make you stop with us?" they asked her. "Have we been too rough with you, after all?

There would be nothing left to talk about." The King looked at the Queen in despair. "It is not the boy's fault," said the Queen soothingly; "you see, the fairies did not come to his christening." "And the wymps did," sighed the King. "I suppose that is why we have a stupid son without an idea in his head." Prince Charming took off his crown and felt his head very carefully.