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Sylvia tried to move her head, but Deborah pressed it closer to her breast. "Don't, my pretty don't," she whispered harshly. "I must I ah!" the girl freed her head from those kind arms with a wrench, and looked at the gruesome sight. She staggered forward a few steps, and then fell back.

He had said he must give the place up. What a wrench it would be for him! Women seldom like to see a bachelor particularly a young bachelor living in such solid comfort. As Lucia went up the stairs, she saw little touches she could give to the place. But she had to confess that the improvements she could suggest were not at all important.

"I had a few pounds put by, having married so late; and it seemed a duty to Emily to give myself every chance: so we packed up almost at once and started for South Africa. It was a wrench to her, but the voyage out did us both all the good in the world, she being in a delicate state of health, and the room in Bermondsey not fit for a woman in that condition."

One of the mob, lacking a club, stopped long enough to wrench a paling from the rickety fence enclosing the Square, trampling the pretty crocuses and the yellow tulips under foot. Each new arrival, seeing the gap, followed the first man's example, throwing the branches and tendrils to the ground as they worked, until the whole panel was wrecked and the vines were torn from their roots.

The men on the wrench then back off and the horseshoe shim supports the weight of the machine. When the shim is in place, or the jacking ring set up, whichever the case may be, the cover-plate bolts may be taken out, the nuts on the long screws holding the cover in place.

Wrench, he answers; 'it's more what I've been used to, and I think I'll be able to give satisfaction. "'There's no wages attached, as I suppose you know, continues she; 'but the second floor goes with it, and if you know your business you ought to make from twenty-five to thirty shillings a week. "Thank you, Mrs. Wrench; that'll suit me very well, replies he; and it was settled.

I smiled at her confusion and complimented her on the banner she was embroidering from a coloured plate. Old Hawberk sat riveting the worn greaves of some ancient suit of armour, and the ting! ting! ting! of his little hammer sounded pleasantly in the quaint shop. Presently he dropped his hammer, and fussed about for a moment with a tiny wrench.

She had a constitutional disgust for the shallow excitability of women like Camilla, whose faculties seemed all wrought up into fantasies, leaving nothing for emotion and thought. The exhortation was not yet ended when she started up and attempted to wrench her arm from Camilla's tightening grasp. It was of no use.

But the sight of the guide's strong body beside her had thrilled her with renewed hope. Even in the shadow of death she was aware of the strong wrench of his muscles as he swam, the saving might of his powerful frame. She knew that he was not afraid for himself, but only for her.

He saw Bananas, beside himself, trying to wrench open the cabin door. He was shouting at the girl. He swore he would kill her if she did not let him in. "What in hell are you up to?" cried Butler. The mate let go the handle, gave the captain a look of savage hate, and without a word turned away. "Stop here. What are you doing with that door?" The mate still did not answer.