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And always he carried the picture of the dying man alone with his two wolf-eyed sons who waited for his eyes to weaken. Whenever he thought of that he touched his horse with the spurs and rode fiercely for a time. They were his flesh and blood, the man, and even the two wolf-eyed sons.

And then came the day of joy when he could eat like a ravenous animal, and, wolf-eyed, ask for more. When they had moved the outfit across the foot-logs at the mouth of the Canyon, they made a change in their plans. Word had come across the Pass that at Lake Linderman the last available trees for building boats were being cut.

Even now, with hunger staring wolf-eyed at them, there was no desire to return to Ithaca, no thought of renewing their life in the squatter's settlement; for, unknown to themselves, they were being swept on by a common destiny. "Ye're gettin' lame again," said Flea after awhile, the mother-feeling in her making her watch Flukey with concern.

And then came the day of joy when he could eat like a ravenous animal, and, wolf-eyed, ask for more. When they had moved the outfit across the foot-logs at the mouth of the Canyon, they made a change in their plans. Word had come across the Pass that at Lake Linderman the last available trees for building boats were being cut.

Money could not possibly be spared for such ornamentation as ships and guns and bodies of trained men. We could not afford it! As I passed the corner of Agar Street a drunken cabdriver, driving two noisily intoxicated men in evening dress, brought his cab into collision with a gaunt, wolf-eyed man who had been scouring the gutter for scraps of food.

Leather, steel, and dust, clad them from head to foot; big and black as bears; wolf-eyed, fox-nosed. They glistened bravely in the falling beams of the sun, and Margarita thrust her fair braided yellow head a little forward over her father's shoulder to catch the whole length of the grim cavalcade. One of the troop was not long in discerning the young beauty.

They, too, had seen the canoes, but they made no sound of welcome. Bedizened and wolf-eyed, they stood in formal ranks as attentive as children at a pantomime. In a moment the canoes took clearer shape, and the shine of the paddles could be seen as the flat of the blades slanted toward the light. The men at the paddles were indistinguishable, crouching shapes, but their prisoner was standing.

He used his arms to push with rather than to strike blows that counted. The Arizonan could not afterward remember at exactly what stage of the proceedings the face of Jerry Durand impinged itself on his consciousness. Once, when the swirl of the crowd flung him close to the door, he caught a glimpse of it, tight-lipped and wolf-eyed, turned to him with relentless malice.

But the night did not bring them, nor the next morning, nor the next day, nor yet the day following. And in the waiting days I lived in four camps of savages, and it was my duty to cover them with the robe of peace. The wolf-eyed Sacs, the stately Winnebagoes, the Chippewas, and Malhominis, they sat like gamecocks, quiet, but alert for a ruffle of one another's plumage.

Pierre, I'd die plumb easy if I knew I was goin' to sleep the rest of time in that place." "It shall be done." "But that corner plot, it would cost a pile, son. And I've no money. I gave what I had to them wolf-eyed boys, Bill an' Bert. Money was what they wanted, an' after I had Irene's son with me, money was the cheapest way of gettin' rid of 'em." "I'll buy the plot."