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Paul and Protestantism together with that on Puritanism and the Church of England were published in 1870 in a single volume bearing the former title, and to this volume Arnold prefixed a preface, enforcing his doctrine with some vigorous hits at a dissenting Member of Parliament called Winterbotham, for glorying in an attitude of "watchful jealousy"; at Mill for his "almost feminine vehemence of irritation" against the Church of England, at Fawcett for his "mere blatancy and truculent hardness."

If it happens to be a master well, his peculiarities are quite enough to divert the boy's attention successfully from the weightier matters in which the master is vainly endeavouring to instruct him. Sir Alfred Wills, Mr. Winterbotham, Sir Edward Fry, Mr.

One of the kindest friends I had in my married life was that same doctor, Mr. Lauriston Winterbotham; he was as good as he was clever, and, like so many of his noble profession, he had the merits of discretion and silence.

So in reply to his outburst I simply said: "What are you going to do?" He drew himself up, with his obstinate chin in the air, and looked at me straight. "If God gives me strength, I am going to do what lies before me." At this moment Lady Fenimore came in. "Mr. Winterbotham would like to speak to you a minute, Anthony. It's something about the school children." "All right, my dear.

And Lady Alicia Winterbotham expressed a peevish hope that, "such great wealth might not turn Constance's head and make her just a little vulgar. It was all rather dangerous for a girl of her age, and she" the speaker "trusted somebody would point out to Connie the heavy responsibilities towards others such a position brought with it."

The knowledge came to me in a great wave of dismay. "You'll let me see you again, won't you?" he asked. "If you like." I don't think I heard the words, but I traced them on their lips. They parted. Sir Anthony descended from the platform and gave his arm to Mrs. Boyce. Lady Fenimore still clung to Boyce. Winterbotham came next, bearing the two caskets, which had been lying neglected on the table.

I am sure Alicia is very comfortably married. I know George Winterbotham is not the least interesting, but he is perfectly gentlemanlike and presentable, and so on, and he makes her a most devoted husband. And from what Mr.

The platform also gradually thinned, until at last, looking round, I saw that only Sir Anthony and Lady Fenimore and Winterbotham, the Town Clerk, remained. Then Lady Fenimore joined us.

I am getting as fat as Prince William at Springhead, and as godly as his friend Parson Winterbotham. My hand shakes no longer. I ride to the banker's at Ulverston with Mr. Postlethwaite, and sit drinking tea, and talking scandal with old ladies. As for the young ones!

When will he be able to be moved? When do you think he'll come back to Wellingsford?" At this series of questions I pricked a curious ear. "Am I speaking to the man or the Mayor?" "The Mayor," said he. "I wish to goodness I could get you inside, so that you and I and Winterbotham could talk things over." Winterbotham was the Town Clerk.