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I sealed up the papers, dressed myself, and went to dinner; and after the cloth was removed, Lord Windermear, first rising and turning the key in the door, said to me, in a low voice, "You have read the papers, and what those, nearly as much interested as you are in this lamentable business, have decided upon. Tell me, what is your opinion?"

"Upon my faith, Mr Newland, but you have a singular species of madness; you first attack Lord Windermear, then a bishop, and, to crown all, you attack a dowager peeress. I must acknowledge, that if you do not find out your parents, it will not be for want of inquiry. Altogether, you are a most singular character; your history is most singular, and your good fortune is equally so.

"Windermear," said he, "I recollect one day, when I was praising you, said carelessly, 'that you were a fine young man, but a little tête montée upon one point. I see now it must have been upon this." I made no reply, but it certainly was a strange circumstance that the Major never had any suspicions on this point yet he certainly never had. We had once or twice talked over my affairs.

"Japhet," said the general to me as we were at table, "you have mentioned Lord Windermear very often, have you called upon him lately?" "No, sir, it is now two years and more since I have seen him. When I was summoned to town to meet you, I was too much agitated to think of anything else, and since that I have had too much pleasure in your company."

Deserted as I have been for so many years, I trust that I have not disgraced you, General De Benyon; and if ever I have done wrong, it has been from a wish to discover you. I can appeal to Lord Windermear for the truth of that assertion.

You may go now, thought I, I feel quite safe. It was about five days after his departure, as I was sauntering, arm in arm with the Major, who generally dined with me about five days in the week, that I perceived the carriage of Lord Windermear, with his lordship in it.

In a quarter of an hour, during which the conversation was animated, we rose to take our leave, when her ladyship came up to me, and offering her hand, said, "Mr Newland, the friendship of Lord Windermear, and the introduction of Major Carbonnell, are more than sufficient to induce me to put your name down on my visiting list.

I will repay the 1000 pounds lent me by Lord Windermear into his banker's, and then I must execute one part of the poor major's will. He left his diamond solitaire as a memento to his lordship. Bring it to me, and I will call and present it." This conversation took place the day after the funeral, and, attired in deep mourning, I called upon his lordship, and was admitted.

I must pass over three months, during which my father had taken and furnished a house in Grosvenor Square; and I, whenever I could spare time, had, under the auspices of Lord Windermear, again been introduced into the world as Mr De Benyon.

"Japhet," said the general to me as we were at table, "you have mentioned Lord Windermear very often, have you called upon him lately?" "No, sir, it is now two years and more since I have seen him. When I was summoned to town to meet you, I was too much agitated to think of anything else, and since that I have had too much pleasure in your company."