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I said the virtues of the race were bourgeois and puritan; and how bourgeois is this! how puritanic! how Scottish! and how Yankee! the temptation, the resistance, the public hypocritical conformity, the Pharisees, the Holy Willies, and the true disciples.

It gives me the Willies. Sit down, friend, and make yourself at home. Ah! This is real comfort! Don't you think I'd make some woman a fine husband? I'm no slouch as a provider, am I?" It was after two o'clock when Artful Dick Cronk whispered good night and slipped out into the hall.

"Well, we've had some experience in the past with hoboes; think they could be a batch of Weary Willies, Paul?" remarked Tom Betts. "I'm not ready to say off-hand that they're not," replied the other, slowly; "but it hardly seems likely. In the first place, every one of them seemed to be wearing sound shoes. Did you ever know four tramps to do that?"

When I were a mere boy, fellow-pirates, I had but one ambition, due to my readin', which was confined to stories of a Sunday-school nater to become somethin' different from the little Willies an' the clever Tommies what I read about therein. They was all good, an' they went to their reward too soon in life for me, who even in them days regarded death as a stuffy an' unpleasant diversion.

It would cost her three hundred and fifty dollars, which she had salted away in the savings bank already, and now she was just driftin' along until she could qualify in the age limit. Livin' just for that! "Ah, can the gloom stuff, Sadie!" says I as she whispers this latest bulletin. "You give me the willies, you and your Lindy!

"What's the matter with Putnam?" growled Pierson. "Has he got a grudge against Merriwell, or does he intend to lose this game anyway?" "He's asleep," said Collingwood, wearily. "He's stuck on Gordon." "He must be thick if he can't see Gordon is rapidly losing his nerve. Why, the fellow is liable to go to pieces at any minute and let those Willies run in a score that will be an absolute disgrace."

"I'd never have spotted him, if I hadn't been rubber-necking at the crowd, sort of counting scalps. That's not done by brides and grooms in our class of life, so March might have felt as safe as a hermit crab, as far as giving the willies to Lady Di or Vandyke was concerned. But just when I was rubbering, he happened to shove his head forward between hats to squint at you." "Oh, Tony!"

Hugh gave the low order, finally. "I see them, Hugh," announced Alec, eagerly. "Show me where," begged Billy, pushing himself forward. A few seconds later Arthur was heard to say disdainfully: "Why, it looks to me as if they might be only a pair of Weary Willies, who had wandered up here from tramping the railroad ties.

"On the level, now," the Inspector demanded, quite unmoved by the final declarations, "when did you see Mary Turner last?" Aggie resorted anew to her practices of deception. Her voice held the accents of unimpeachable truth, and her eyes looked unflinchingly into those of her questioner as she answered. "Early this morning," she declared. "We slept together last night, because I had the willies.

It's the innocent Willies who look as if all they could do was to lead the cotillon and wear bangles on their ankles. I've had a lot to do with them, and it's up to a man that don't want to be stung not to go by what a fellow looks like." "Really, Pat, dear, I sometimes think you ought to have been a policeman. What is the matter?" "Matter?" "You shouted." "Shouted? Not me.