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"Well, after the war broke out between Germany and America last April, this woman came to New York and got her clutches on me deeper than ever. I gave her some naval secrets, and six weeks ago I told her all I knew about Widding's invention. You see what kind of a dog I am," he concluded bitterly. "Ryerson, why have you told me this?" I asked searchingly. "Why?"

"You had a talk with Edison on the train last week. He knows all the details of Widding's invention?" "Yes." "And he believes it will do what the inventor claims? He believes it will destroy our fleet? Did he tell you that?" "He certainly did. He said he wouldn't give five cents for the German fleet after Widding's plan is put into operation." "Ah!" reflected the Crown Prince.

Edison's warning. He listened, frowning. "Huh! That sounds like Elihu Root." "It was," I admitted. For hours as we rushed along, my distinguished companion sat silent and I did not venture to break in upon his meditations, although there were questions that I longed to ask him. I wondered if it was Widding's sudden death in the Richmond prison that had saddened him.

They may be miles away, shut off by fog or waves; but this thing of Widding's is sure." "Has it been tried?" "Heavens! No! If it had been tried the whole world would be using it. After we destroy the German fleet the whole world will use it." "Is it some new principle? Some unknown agency?" He shook his head. "There's nothing new about it.

I don't care what happens to me and anyway I I'm a spy." "A spy?" He nodded. "In the service of the Germans. It was through me they knew about Widding's invention to destroy their fleet. It was through me that Edison and Widding were abducted. I meant to disappear that's why I joined von Hindenburg's army, but we were captured and here I am."

"He did, General," declared the lieutenant. "It was on the Pennsylvania a few hours before we went into battle. The admiral had been looking over Mr. Widding's specifications the night before and he said I remember his words: 'This is a great idea. If we had it in operation now we could destroy the German fleet."

Before Edison discovered the trick they were off at full speed and he was overpowered on the back seat. Think of that! Thomas A. Edison abducted by the Germans!" "Why would they do such a thing?" "Why? Don't you see? That invention of Widding's will destroy the German fleet. It's a matter of life and death to them and Edison knows all about it all the details Widding told him."

Anyhow, unless he's absolutely narrow and obstinate " "Oh, no." "Good! Where are the Committee of Twenty-one? In Chicago?" "Yes." "And the Crown Prince too?" "Yes." "We'll be there to-morrow and listen! We can destroy the German fleet. Widding's invention will do it. Poor Widding!

"By the way," he said abruptly, "I suppose you know that Thomas A. Edison is a prisoner in our hands?" "So we concluded," said I. "Also Lemuel A. Widding." "Also Lemuel A. Widding," the prince admitted. "You know why we took them prisoners? It was on account of Widding's invention. He thinks he has found a way to destroy our fleet and we do not want our fleet destroyed." "Naturally not."

"Widding tells me he submitted his idea to the Navy Department over a year ago. Think of that! An idea bigger than the submarine!" "Is it possible?" "No doubt of it. Widding's invention will change the condition of naval warfare it's bound to. I wouldn't give five cents for the German fleet when we get this thing working. All we need is time. "Mr.