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The political-economy Premier then enunciates this principle: "Any attempt to feed one class of the people of the United Kingdom by the Government, would, if successful, starve another part would feed the producers of potatoes, which had failed, by starving the producers of wheat, barley, and oats, which had not failed."

We owe something to our American settlers who are teaching us something of the science and art of agriculture. Remember, too, that our crop comes from only one-seventh of our wheat lands. Had the other six-sevenths been cropped, our wheat yield would be over three and a half billion bushels just about the world's supply.

"Do you own the bakery?" Actæon asked. "I am nothing but a slave," he replied sadly. "My master had to go to the Forum to see the dealers in wheat. You are a Greek, are you not?" Before Actæon deigned to answer, he hastened to add with melancholy pride: "I have not always been a slave.

The muddy plains between the factory towns were green with winter wheat, the crop which is to carry the country through another year. Meanwhile, one was told, the railroad rights of way would be planted, and land not needed for beets for with no sugar going out Germany can produce more now than she needs also be seeded to wheat.

From this point, travel must be on foot or horseback; and though the snow peaks seem to wall in the north, they are really fifteen miles away with a dozen cañons heavily forested like fields of wheat between you and them. In fact, if you followed up any of these side cañons, you would find them, too, dotted with ranch houses; but beyond them, upper reaches yet untrod.

By the Arabian historians it is usually called Wady Merr. The cultivated grounds in Wady Fatme contain principally date-trees, which supply the markets of the two neighbouring towns; and vegetables, which are carried every night, on small droves of asses, to Mekka and Djidda. Wheat and barley are also cultivated in small quantities.

It was only after obtaining proof of the validity of his method that Von Lochow decided to give it to the public. W.M. Hays has made experiments with wheat at the Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station. He chose a hundred grains as a proper number for the appreciation of each parent plant, and hence has adopted the name of "centgener power" for the hereditary percentage.

"Smut!" he exclaimed, showing both diseased and healthy specimens of wheat. "Had to hunt hard to find that. Smut is the bane of all wheat-growers. I never saw so little of it as there is here. In fact, we know scarcely nothin' about smut an' its cure, if there is any. You farmers who raise only grain have got the work down to a science. This Bluestem is not bearded wheat, like Turkey Red.

Wheat, barley, oats, and pease were stored in the granary, and potatoes in a pit dug in the orchard. Strange faces in the guard-room caused wonderings and questions amongst the women. The stables began to fill with horses, and 'more man' to go about the farmyard and outhouses. Left alone with Lady, his mare, Richard could not help brooding rather than pondering over what the old woman had said.

Our children are taught about the famines of history when they cannot recognize a blade of wheat or tell the price of a loaf of bread, or how it is made. I would begin the education of my boy him of the tango and balkline billiards with a study of himself, in the broad use of the term, before I allowed him to study about other people or the history of nations.