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I told him that I had determined, as yet, neither where I would stay permanently, nor how long I would be in Paris, and he had to be content with that." Sobieska nodded his approval and laid down his fork. "Such neighbors become more dangerous the older they grow. We will have to keep a lookout for General Alexis Vladimar. He suspects something." "He made no attempt to follow us," replied Trusia.

"He didn't tell you, for instance, that Herr Casper Haupt is the Chief of Imperial Secret Police for the district embracing Poland, Krovitch, Austria and France; a very important personage? What did Vladimar have to say?" "When I told him I was on a shopping tour, he looked the usual masculine horror and gave the usual masculine prayer for deliverance.

The crescent-shaped and wall-like range running from the Weld Pass to Gill's Pinnacle, and beyond it, I named the Schwerin Mural Crescent; and a pass through it I named Vladimar Pass, in honour of Prince Vladimar, son of the Emperor of Russia, married to the Princess of Schwerin.

"I remember now that, while the rest of his face looked remarkably like a freshly scrubbed one, there was a long dark smear along one of Josef's eyebrows as we brought you into the house; but that is not enough to convict him of the treason, however strong a suspicion it arouses. Well, things are looking a trifle as if Vladimar not only knows where we are, but why we are here.

"I watched. He appeared to have forgotten our existence." "He is a clever man, that Vladimar," said Sobieska grudgingly. "He has not forgotten. Perhaps he is so sure of finding you when he wants to that he is not giving himself any trouble. Fortunately we leave to-morrow morning and will give him the slip, for all his cleverness."

"I am going again to Schallberg, soon," he continued in his same manner of large good nature, "and hope the beastly hole will furnish more excitement this time. Could you arrange it, eh, Colonel?" and he turned smilingly to the troubled Krovitzer. "We'll try," replied the veteran, "forewarned is always forearmed." Vladimar assumed a look of gravity.

We'll have to strike quickly as soon, in fact, as we set foot in Krovitch again." The next day they left Paris. Almost the first person Trusia espied at the railroad station was General Vladimar, a stately young aide, and the Casper Haupt of yesterday.

She leaned forward from her place at the table to speak to Count Sobieska. In doing so, her eyes met Carter's. They were filled with a gentle regard a more than friendliness. "With whom?" asked her Minister of Private Intelligence anxiously, for this city was the centre of international intrigue and espionage. "You remember General Vladimar, the former Russian commandant at Schallberg? It was he.