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The morning found her still tortured by her visualization of the picture of him, irresolute as the mob pressed around the Gray headquarters. "It is as if I had murdered him!" she said. "I let him make love to me I let my hand remain in his once but that was all, Lanny. I I couldn't have borne any more. Yet that was enough enough!"

In such unexpected ways do we link peace and war suspending the greatest weights of memory, imagination, and visualization on the slenderest cobwebs of sound, odor, and color. But again my bees became but bees great, jolly, busy yellow-and-black fellows, who blundered about and squeezed into blossoms many sizes too small for them.

THE RESEARCH, ITS OBJECTS AND METHODS: These general orientation tests for a norm and its pathological variation were the basis upon which I proceeded on broader lines with a further and more exhaustive investigation with the following points in view: To what extent is visualization weak? Is it weaker in the worst cases? Is it less and less weak as cases appear less severe?

He had that-gift of visualization which makes life an endless procession of pictures which allure, or which wear the nature into premature old age.

This is also true of sights that have been recently seen or that have been repeatedly seen, or that in some other way have been made intense as pictures in the visual field. AS CURE PROCEEDS: In the process of recovery where visualization is seen to increase as the stutter decreases, there is another illustration where this visualization attitude explains the whole situation.

They awaken vividly colored images, pictures far more brilliant than would be called into being by the objects themselves." Surely, if this be true, we are taking from children that rare power of mental visualization by offering to their outward vision an actual picture.

Belloc's style in these sketches, and because it touches on, is the visualization of, a cardinal point in his historical theories. This point has been dwelt upon more fully in the preceding chapter, and we cannot do more than mention it here. It expresses that view of the gradual development and transformation of the Roman Empire with which Mr.

Neither of us could remember which it was, although I had a dim visualization of the correspondence, but it formed an immediate bond. Moreover another point I had quite forgotten when her friend, Madame Leverrière, had visited the United States some time previously to put Mlle. Thompson's dolls on the market, I had been asked to write something in favor of the work for the New York Times.

So if I were forced, however, to choose one term from all these, my choice would be "Visual Centre Asthenia." This indicates a new and rational treatment. But of this later. SUMMARY: Psychoanalysis reveals stuttering as some vague trouble in the personality . Psychological Analysis shows stuttering is an absent or weak visualization at the time of speech.

There just there Hamilton was killed by Burr, and near by Hamilton's son four years before was killed in a duel a political quarrel." She knew the sad story well, and with the gift of visualization saw the scene and the red pistol-flashes which meant the death of a statesman of genius. "And there are the palisades, Leila."