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He puckered his lips, but the big policeman held up his hand. "Shtop," he said, "und learn der right way. Und learn also dot a rolling shtone can't vistle for a cent." Big Fritz's heavy moustache rounded into a circle, and from its depths came a sound deep and mellow as that from a flute. He repeated a few bars of the air the tramp had been whistling.

The rendition was cold, but correct, and he emphasized the note he had taken exception to. "Dot p is p natural, und not p vlat. Py der vay, you petter pe glad I meet you. Von hour later, und I vould half to put you in a gage to vistle mit der chail pirds. Der orders are to bull all der pums after sunrise." "To which?" "To bull der pums eferybody mitout fisible means.

Dot ishn't the question. Vere isn't Jack? He ish looking for de canoe also mit likevise, and I don't bear him vistle for me mine gracious!" Otto spoke slowly, giving utterance only to a few of the thoughts which stirred his brain.

I 'eard the thump of it, and I kind o' velt somethin' vistle past me, but ven I looked there vas the Eytalian a feelin' of 'is muscles in the middle o' the stage, and as to Bob, there vern't no sign' of 'im at all no more'n if 'e'd never been." His audience was riveted by the old prize-fighter's story. "Well," cried a dozen voices, "what then, Buckhorse: 'ad 'e swallowed 'im, or what?"

"Ven Aye gat das blindfold off, Aye gat yu yu Baked-Pie galoots! Ugh! Wow!" barbed-wire fence. "Vistle sum more, yu vide-trousered polekats. Aye make yu vistle, Aye bet yu, rite avay! Up pllp pllp!" That's the kind of noise a man makes when he walks into a horse-trough at full speed. "Gee!" said Petey nervously. "I guess we've given him enough. He's getting sort of peevish.

Und dere vill not pe frost before two veeks yet! Und you haf forgotten how to vistle. Dere was a valse note in dot last bar." "Watcher know about it?" said Whistling Dick, with tentative familiarity; "you wit yer little Gherman-band nixcumrous chunes. Watcher know about music? Pick yer ears, and listen agin. Here's de way I whistled it see?"