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The star that seemed caught in the sea smiled at him, summoned him. Its gold was like the gold, the little feathers of gold in the dark hair of a Sicilian girl singing the song of the May beside the sea: "Maju torna, maju veni Cu li belli soi ciureri " He tried to hum the tune, but it had left his memory. He longed to hear it once more under the olive-trees of the Sirens' Isle.

So saying he intoned in Veni Creator, chanted in chorus by all present.

The door had opened into the gardens, above which arched a starlit sky, into spring, liberty, life! It revealed the neighboring fields, stretching toward the sierras, whose sinuous blue lines were relieved against the horizon. Yonder lay freedom! Oh, to escape! He would journey all night through the lemon groves, whose fragrance reached him. Once in the mountains and he was safe! He inhaled the delicious air; the breeze revived him, his lungs expanded! He felt in his swelling heart the Veni for

He leaned forward and reached the poker, mending the fire with extreme care and method. He placed a fragrant pine log upon the springing flame, and as he did so he whistled softly the closing bars of Veni, Creator Spiritus.

I should have said, 'It will not be long before we shall be at Marischal College. BOSWELL. In spite of this warning Sir Walter Scott fell into the same error. CROKER. Beattie was Professor of Moral Philosophy and Logic in Marischal College. 'Nil mihi rescribas; attamen ipse veni. Ovid, Heroides, i. 2. Boswell liked to display such classical learning as he had.

My motto is veni, vidi, vici, which freely translated means I can sleep asea when I can’t sleep ashore." "But Aunt Mary?" cried Jack blankly. "She’s all right," said Mitchell; "she’ll soon reach the cold burnt toast stage and when she reaches the stage we’ll all welcome her into any chorus. Here’s to choruses in general and one chorus girl in particular.

She was met by the whole community and conducted with due ceremonial to the choir, where the Veni Creator and the Te Deum were chanted.

The savage was the first to speak, and his utterance has become as classic as Cæsar's "Veni," for it was, "Welcome!" As he pronounced it, and looked about him with kindly, if wary eyes, the Pilgrims drew a long breath, and the tense anxiety of the moment lapsed into aspects various as the temperaments of the men. "What!

His "veni, vidi, vici," was confined to his own bosom. As they rode home together there came to be a little crowd of men round Thoroughbung, giving him the praises that were his due. But one by one they fell off from Annesley's side of the road. He soon felt that no one addressed a word to him. He was, probably, too prone to encourage them in this.

They said a 'Veni Creator' and a 'Salve Regina', and the doctor then rose and seated himself at a table, while the marquise, still on her knees, began a Confiteor and made her whole confession. At nine o'clock, Father Chavigny, who had brought Doctor Pirot in the morning, came in again. The marquise seemed annoyed, but still put a good face upon it.