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But let us lose no more time; we have lost enough already. Besides, more of Luigi Vampa's band are probably prowling in the vicinity, and I imagine we both have had sufficient of the banditti for one night! Prudence dictates that we should return at once to Rome. With your shattered arm, you surely do not count upon continuing your search for the fair Annunziata at present?"

Old Solara expired in the hospital at Rome a few days subsequent to Vampa's trial, and Annunziata lived long with Mme. de Rancogne in the Refuge at Civita Vecchia, drawing what consolation she could from abundant good works. Peppino and Beppo remained in the service of the Count of Monte-Cristo, leading honest and upright lives.

Vampa's arrest was considered as directly due to Monte-Cristo, for had he not come to visit the Count it was improbable that he would ever have been captured. By the advice of Monte-Cristo also the bandits' subterranean retreat had been filled with powder and blown to atoms. No wonder, therefore, the Romans were grateful to the illustrious Frenchman and his able assistant Captain Morrel.

He listened with the utmost anxiety, expecting every instant that his door would be forced and his relentless foes come thronging into the chamber. No such movement, however, was made. A deathlike silence prevailed. What was the meaning of all this? What was taking place or about to occur? If the men in the corridor were not Luigi Vampa's bandits, who were they?

I will engage to appease Luigi Vampa's anger, should it be aroused; at the worst, I pledge myself to surrender with my friend at the first summons to do so, and to assure the brigand chief that your father is altogether blameless. Come, can I not prevail upon you to be generous and humane?" "Well," said the peasant, partially satisfied, "I will trust you, though I am taking a great risk.

The Count of Monte-Cristo had at first inclined to the belief that Massetti was merely the victim of circumstances, of some remarkable coincidence, but Vampa's letter scattered this belief to the winds and he demanded that the Viscount should conclusively prove his innocence.

"Then I must wait for Vampa's answer, and shape my course by that!" said M. Dantès, firmly. "That answer will destroy both Espérance and myself!" replied the Viscount, in a hoarse whisper.

Monte-Cristo and the lawyers cast congratulatory glances at the young Italian. His rehabilitation now only needed Vampa's conviction and sentence to be perfect, and it could not for an instant be doubted that they would speedily follow. The effect of her father's testimony or rather confession upon Annunziata had been startling.

Meanwhile the peasant was speaking hastily with Annunziata. "Sister," he said, "I am not alone; two travelers, peasants like ourselves, are with me. They were attacked by Luigi Vampa's men, and one of them is sorely wounded." "Holy Virgin!" exclaimed the girl, evidently filled with terror. "They claim our hospitality for the night and our assistance until aid can be procured from Rome.

"Do you allow a woman to stand between you and your vengeance against the Count of Monte-Cristo? Remember Luigi Vampa's bill of fare!" Bouche-de-Miel glared at the Italian savagely. "There is no need for me to remember it," returned he, bitterly. "I have never forgotten it. Neither have I forgotten your share in that infamous business!" he added, between his teeth.