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As young Vacca slid down to the ground, two small black-and-tan hounds, with flapping ears and lolling tongues, loped into view on the road in front of the house. They were grey with dust, their noses were to the ground. At the gate where Dyke had turned into the ranch house grounds, they halted in confusion a moment.

"Pardon me, sir; you are giving a very wrong construction to my language, if you suppose I include, without many and particular qualifications, the bibulus Americanus, in the family of the vacca. For, as you well know, sir or, as I presume I should say, Doctor; you have the medical diploma, no doubt?" "You give me credit for an honour I cannot claim," interrupted the other.

From this high point one dominated the entire valley to the south and west. The view was superb. The three men paused for a moment on the crest of the hill to consider it. Young Vacca came running and panting up the hill after them, calling for Annixter. "Well, well, what is it?" "Mr. Osterman's looking for you, sir, you and Mr. Harran.

"What is it, Vacca?" he cried. Young Vacca, turning in his seat in the carryall, was looking up the road. All at once, he jumped from his place, and dashed towards the window. "Dyke," he shouted. "Dyke, it's Dyke." While the words were yet in his mouth, the sound of the hoof-beats rose to a roar, and a great, bell-toned voice shouted: "Annixter, Annixter, Annixter!"

Young Vacca, now at his fiftieth wax candle, had brought the floor to the slippery surface of glass. The druggist was dancing with one of the Spanish-Mexican girls with the solemnity of an automaton, turning about and about, always in the same direction, his eyes glassy, his teeth set. Hilma Tree was dancing for the second time with Harran Derrick. She danced with infinite grace.

In the functions of the two towers the dominating towers of Florence is a wide difference also, for the campanile calls to prayer, while for years the sombre notes of the great Signoria bell the Vacca rang out only to bid the citizens to conclave or battle or to sound an alarm. The scene was the Medici Palace in the Via Larga. The paper was ready for signature and Capponi would not sign.

Young Vacca indefatigably continued the rounds of the barn, paring candle after candle, possessed with this single idea of duty, pushing the dancers out of his way, refusing to admit that the floor was yet sufficiently slippery. The druggist had returned indoors, and leaned dejected and melancholy against the wall near the doorway, unable to dance, his evening's enjoyment spoiled.

That her kinsmen hastened her marriage with the peasant, Vacca Accattabriga, seems quite certain: they sought to establish her in a respectable position. And so she acquiesced, and avoided society's displeasure, very much as Lord Bacon escaped disgrace by leaving "Hamlet" upon Shakespeare's doorstep. This child of Caterina's found a warm welcome in the noble family of his father.

Edward Elleker Williams, with whom Shelley and his wife lived on terms of the closest friendship. Among Italians, the physician Vacca, the improvisatore Sgricci, and Rosini, the author of "La Monaca di Monza", have to be recorded.

"What's this case here?" asked Annixter, when, after helping his wife from the carry-all, his eye fell upon a wooden box of some three by five feet that stood on the porch and bore the red Wells-Fargo label. "It came here last night, addressed to you, sir," exclaimed Mrs. Vacca. "We were sure it wasn't any of your furniture, so we didn't open it."