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They climbed in among the company; shared, lightly, their bread and wine; heard with momentary interest the latest news of the great war; spoke English and French in alternating clauses; inquired after the coterie's four young heroes at the French front, but only by stealth and out of Aline's hearing; and cried to Cupid, "'Ello, 'Ector! comment ça va-t-il?

"Emmeline, if you pass another remark to bed you go!" exclaimed her mother with unction. "I was fourteen the day before yesterday, and you don't send people of fourteen to bed. I got a town lot for a birthday present. Oh, there's the French gentleman! Bon soir, Monsieur! Comment va-t-il! Attendez!" and we were suddenly bereft of Emmeline.

'I am spending two days in town, he said, 'to be present at your sister's fete, and I have chosen that day.... Decide, Vera Vassilievna, whether I am to love or not." "Ou le sentiment va-t-il se nicher?" exclaimed Paulina Karpovna. "Even in that clod." "'Ivan Ivanovich! pleaded Vera," continued Raisky.

"Hein, hein," grunted Monsieur de Ventadour, shuffling into the room. "How are you? how are you? Charmed to see you. Dull night I suspect we shall have rain. Hein, hein. Aha, Monsieur Ferrers, /comment ca va-t-il/? Will you give me my revenge at /ecarte/? I have my suspicions that I am in luck to-night. Hein, hein." "/Ecarte/! well, with pleasure," said Ferrers. Ferrers played well.

Tout autre reve altere L'espece d'ideal qui convient a la terre. Contentons-nous du mot: meilleur! ecrit partout. Dawn has appeared, after six thousand years in the fatal way, and man, freed by "the invisible hand" from the weight of his chains, has embarked for new shores: Ou va-t-il ce navire?

Again we meet in a London street which is rhyme, and sounds like Browning, doesn't it? Comment ca va-t-il?" Piers shook hands very coldly, without pretence of a smile. "I am walking on," he said. "Yours is the other way, I think." "What! You wish to cut me? Pray, your exquisite reason?" "Well, then, I think you have behaved meanly and dishonourably to me.

It was years before I could rid myself of the habit of inquiring quezaco? instead of "qu'est ce que c'est?" and of substituting for "Comment cela va-t-il?" the Provencal Commoun as? I found, too, that it was unusual elsewhere to address people in our Nyons fashion as "Te, mon bon!"

"Hein, hein," grunted Monsieur de Ventadour, shuffling into the room. "How are you? how are you? Charmed to see you. Dull night I suspect we shall have rain. Hein, hein. Aha, Monsieur Ferrers, comment ca va-t-il? Will you give me my revenge at ecarte? I have my suspicions that I am in luck to-night. Hein, hein." "Ecarte! well, with pleasure," said Ferrers. Ferrers played well.