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"I think you shall take me home instead." He looked at her quickly. "This affair has upset you!" "My dear Julien," she said dryly, "what an absurd idea! Of course I am quite used to these little affairs, to seeing you lie bound and gagged, and pointing a revolver at that unpleasant-looking Prince, with a horrible fear inside me all the time that if I did aim at anything I shouldn't hit it!

"Hullo, here!" he cried, turning his fists into a binocular glass without lenses; "who's been meddling with my pearl-oyster grounds?" The doctor, being referred to in this question, turned to the man and laughed bitterly. "Your pearl-oyster grounds!" he said, in a tone full of the contempt he felt. The man thrust his unpleasant-looking face close to the doctor's.

Flinks, twisting in his grimy hand the bill she had given him and there, too, the Eagle flaunted in his vigour and heartened him, "lady, that ain't much for you to give. Can't you do a little better than that by a poor workingman, lady?" A very unpleasant-looking person, Mr. Cock-eye Flinks. Oh, a peculiarly unpleasant-looking person to be a model son and a loving husband and a tender father.

Entering a little grocery store, he approached the proprietor, a man with a pale, gargoyle-like face, and unpleasant-looking, raggedy teeth, and showing him the bean, asked him to buy it. The merchant looked at it with some interest and asked Tom what it was called. Tom said it was a Locomotor Ataxy.

Carr, behind the counter, a toothless, unpleasant-looking old man, was exhibiting in an apathetic manner a piece of fat bacon to a customer. "You can have the streaky if you prefer it," he said. The customer did prefer the streaky, and took it, half wrapped, under her shawl, and went. "And what for you, pray?" Mrs.

There was a room with six beds, but one was reserved for an Albanian officer. We took the rest. We loitered about all the afternoon, and in the evening the Albanian officer came in. He was a beaky-faced, unpleasant-looking man, but he procured us some bread, which we sorely lacked. The hotel had little food, so we gave them our rice.

He was a tall, curly-haired, thick-set fellow about forty with a purplish, rather bloated and flabby face, with cheeks that quivered at every movement of his head, with little bloodshot eyes that were sometimes rather crafty, with moustaches and sidewhiskers, and with an incipient double chin, fleshy and rather unpleasant-looking.

He was tall and thin, with a black moustache and yellow, unpleasant-looking teeth. "So you will not dance any longer with José?" he muttered. "Very well, you shall drink with him, then. We will sit together at one of those little tables. Listen, you shall drink wine." "I do not want to drink wine with you. All that I wish is to be left alone," the girl insisted curtly.

The shikari was right, as, within ten minutes of starting, we had to drop from the crest of the ridge to circumvent a big rock which barred our way, to find ourselves confronted by a very unpleasant-looking slope of short brown grass, which fell away at an angle of about 50° to what seemed an endless depth.

It was only a matter of moments before I too turned the corner, and found myself in the dirtiest busiest street I had ever seen, with unpleasant-looking people about, and throngs of children playing over the foul pavement and in the road. My boy seemed quite at home there and as if he belonged to the place.