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If you blow ordinary steam at 212° F. or 100° C., into fats or oils, the fats and oils remain undecomposed; but suppose you let fatty and oily matters of animal or vegetable origin, such as lubricants, get into your boiler feed-water and so into your boiler, what will happen?

You will remember, however, that even this sloping land is more or less acid, although here and there we found pieces of undecomposed limestone. With a liberal use of ground limestone, any legumes suited to this soil and climate ought to grow luxuriantly on those slopes." "That reminds me that we are greatly troubled with Japan clover on those slopes," said Mr. West.

The lake of Albano, one of the most beautiful sheets of water in the world, is about six miles in circumference, and surrounded by beds of peperino, a variety of tuff presenting a bright, undecomposed aspect when newly broken.

Thus it is the must containing a large amount of sugar needs a longer time to become clear than that containing but a small portion of it; therefore, many southern wines retain a certain amount of sugar undecomposed, and they are called sweet, or liqueur wines; whereas, wines in which the whole of the sugar has been decomposed are called sour or dry wines.

In some of them even digestion, or at least the absorption of undecomposed soluble animal juices, may be suspected; but there is no proof of it. But, if pitchers of the Sarracenia family are only macerating vessels, those of Nepenthes the pitchers of the Indian Archipelago, familiar in conservatories seem to be stomachs. The investigations of the President of the Royal Society, Dr.

It often contains undecomposed carbonate of potassium, which may act as a corrosive poison and cause erosion of the mucous membranes of the lips, mouth, and stomach. Symptoms. The symptoms usually come on in a few seconds, and are of the shortest possible duration. There is a sudden gasp for breath, possibly a loud cry, and the patient drops down dead.

To these several causes, may we not add another? May not the production of spirit be in a ratio to the richness of the fermenting liquor? It is certain, that in every spirituous fermentation there is a portion of the sweet matter which remains undecomposed and in its original state. Lavoisier found that it was 4.940; that is, nearly 5 parts in 100.

M. Traube expresses himself thus: "Pasteur's conclusion, that yeast in the absence of air is able to derive the oxygen necessary for its development from sugar, is erroneous; its increase is arrested even when the greater part of the sugar still remains undecomposed.

From the corrected volume of the solution required, calculate the amount of oxalic acid undecomposed by the pyrolusite; subtract this from the total quantity of acid used, and calculate the weight of manganese dioxide which would react with the balance of the acid, and from this the percentage in the sample.

Here the clean metallic surface presents no recesses like those of porous lint for the septic germs to develope in, the fluid exuding from the surface of the granulations has flowed away undecomposed, and the result is the absence of suppuration.