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Such beauty caused the soul to drink nepenthes of forgetfulness. Hardships, wounds, blood, pain, menace of death faded under that spell. That the Legionaries were trapped at the bottom of a vast rabbit-warren, with swarms of Moslem ferrets soon to rush upon them, now seemed to have no significance.

Why is the dental formula of the viverrinae different? What purpose has the long spur in the flower of Angraecum, or the marvellous bucket of Coryanthes, the flytrap of Dionaea, the pitcher of Nepenthes? What is the cause, what is the purpose, what is the plan in the scheme of nature, of these structures?

Plants which climb by the aid of spontaneously revolving and sensitive petioles Clematis Tropaeolum Maurandia, flower-peduncles moving spontaneously and sensitive to a touch Rhodochiton Lophospermum internodes sensitive Solanum, thickening of the clasped petioles Fumaria Adlumia Plants which climb by the aid of their produced midribs Gloriosa Flagellaria Nepenthes Summary on leaf-climbers.

In front of them black or white slaves, with no other garment than a waist girdle, held out to them necklaces of flowers made of crocuses, the blooms of which, white outside, are yellow inside, purple safflowers, golden-yellow chrysanthemums, red-berried nightshade, myosotis whose flowers seemed made of blue enamel of the statues of Isis, and nepenthes whose intoxicating odour makes one forget everything, even the far-distant home.

We have been in a gharrie to Kamunting, a Chinese mining town of four thousand people, three miles from here, approached through a pretty valley full of pitcher plants with purple cups and lids. You can imagine the joy of getting into my hands these wonderful nepenthes or "monkey cups" for the first time.

Here was a panacea, a pharmakon nepenthes for all human woes; here was the secret of happiness about which philosophers had disputed for so many ages: happiness might be bought for a penny, and carried in the waistcoat pocket. DEQUINCEY's "Confessions of an Opium Eater." HE was a tall, thin personage, with a marked brow and a sunken eye.

Milton also alludes to a famous recipe for an invigorating draught, called Nepenthe, which the Egyptian queen gave to Helen: "Not that Nepenthes which the wife of Thone In Egypt gave to Jove-born Helena, Is of such power to stir up joy as this, To life so friendly or so cool to thirst." Comus.

Though it is of course conceded that the ascidium of Nepenthes has many secondary devices which are lacking in Croton, it seems hardly allowable to deny the possibility of an analogous origin for both.

Here was a panacea, a pharmakon nepenthes for all human woes; here was the secret of happiness about which philosophers had disputed for so many ages: happiness might be bought for a penny, and carried in the waistcoat pocket. DEQUINCEY's "Confessions of an Opium Eater." HE was a tall, thin personage, with a marked brow and a sunken eye.

The reproduction of specific characters by anomalous ascidia is not at all limited to the general case as described above. More minute details may be seen to be duplicated in the same way. Proofs are afforded on one side by incomplete ascidia, and on the other by the double cups. Incomplete ascidia are those of the Nepenthes.

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