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They may be mere conceptions, floating pictures of an object, or of its type or class. In this undated condition, we call them products of 'imagination' or 'conception. Imagination is the term commonly used where the object represented is thought of as an individual thing. Conception is the term where we think of it as a type or class.

On the other hand, it cannot be maintained that, at the outset, his judges treated him with inhumanity. That Luis de Leon was nervous about himself, and that he believed it possible he might die without warning is the impression conveyed by a fervent act of faith which, though undated, was probably written almost as soon as his imprisonment began.

The map is undated, but was probably designed in the latter part of the reign of Francis L, for his son, the Dauphin, afterwards Henry II. It has been alleged that Captain Cook was guided by these charts to the eastern shore of New Holland, and the similarity of some of the names thereon, such as COSTE DES HERBAIGES, and COSTE DANGEROUSE, to names given by him, has been pointed out.

The writing was my cousin Dorothy's; and, trembling all over in spite of myself, I broke the seal of the first. It was undated: "DEAREST, Your letter from Oriskany is before me. I am here in your room, the door locked, alone with your letter, overwhelmed with love and tenderness and fear for you.

I give the notes disjointed as I find them, or have now drawn them up from memory. Some of them point to their own date, some I have dated, and some are undated. Whenever it could answer my purpose to transplant them from the natural or chronological order, I have not scrupled to do so. Sometimes I speak in the present, sometimes in the past tense.

Moreover, her original soundness of constitution had been strengthened by ten months' residence in the pure, bracing air of Sark. Yet what was I to think in face of those undated documents, and of her own short letter to her husband? The one I knew was genuine; why should I suppose the others to be forged?

A second letter to Miss Haworth is undated, but may have been written at any period of this or the ensuing year.

If you have any friends at Great Keynes, for the love you bear to them, come quickly." Anthony turned the note over; it was unsigned, and undated.

One of his sisters writes in an undated letter: We are much obliged to you for the kind of reception you say we should have met with at Mal Bay had we fled there from the French and I do assure you ... it was for some time a very great comfort and relief to think we had resources to trust to.

I may insert here the following short note from Madame Mohl, because the manner of it is very characteristic of her. It is, as was usual with her, undated. "MY DEAR MR. TROLLOPE, By accident I have just learned that you are in London. I live 68 Oxford Terrace, Hyde Park. If you would write me a note to say when I should be at home for the purpose.