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Then little dog Turpie ran out, barking loudly, and he frightened the Hobyahs so that they ran away home again. But the little old man woke from his dreams, and he said: "Little dog Turpie barks so loudly that I can neither slumber nor sleep. In the morning I will take off his tail." So when morning came, the little old man took off little Turpie's tail to cure him of barking.

When night came, the Hobyahs woke up, and they went to the bag, and they poked it with their fingers, crying: "Look you! Look you!" But out of the bag jumped little dog Turpie, and he ate every one of the Hobyahs. And that is why there are not any Hobyahs now. How the Sun, the Moon, and the Wind went out to Dinner

So when morning came, the little old man took off Turpie's head, and then Turpie could not bark any more. That night the Hobyahs came again, skipping along on the tips of their toes, and they called out: "Tear down the hemp stalks. Eat up the little old man, and carry off the little old woman." Now, since little dog Turpie could not bark any more, there was no one to frighten the Hobyahs away.

Those who were absent and paired were: Cannon and Wilson for, with White against; Proctor and Wetmore for, with Turpie against. The ratification of the treaty was not a party question. Thirty-nine Republicans, ten Democrats, and eight Silver men voted for the treaty, and two Republicans, twenty-two Democrats and three Silver men voted against it.

We shouldn't any of us care to see Thatcher occupy a seat in the Senate that has been filled by Oliver Morton and Joe MacDonald and Ben Harrison and Dave Turpie. We Hoosiers are not perfect, but our Senators first and last have been men of brains and character. Ramsay won't break the apostolic succession; he's all right." "You think Mr.

Turpie is somewhat higher than would be naturally held to be sufficient to refer a passage to a given source. His lists must therefore be used with these limitations. Turning to them, we find that most of the possible forms of variation are exemplified within the bounds of the Canon itself. I proceed to give a few classified instances of these.

But the little old man tossed in his sleep, and he said: "Little dog Turpie barks so loudly that I can neither slumber nor sleep. In the morning I will take off his legs." So when morning came, the little old man took off Turpie's legs to cure him of barking. The third night the Hobyahs came again, skipping along on the tips of their toes, and they called out: "Tear down the hemp stalks.

But when daylight came, they went to sleep, for Hobyahs, you know, sleep all day. The little old man was very sorry when he found that the little old woman was gone. He knew then what a good little dog Turpie had been to guard the house at night, so he fetched Turpie's tail, and his legs, and his head, and gave them back to him again.

The second night along came the Hobyahs, creep, creep, through the woods, skipping along on the tips of their toes, and they cried: "Tear down the hemp stalks. Eat up the little old man, and carry away the little old woman." Then the little dog Turpie ran out again, barking so loudly that he frightened the Hobyahs, and they ran away home again.

These had vanished, but Dan and Allen made a pious pilgrimage one night to sit at the feet of David Turpie, who had been a Senator in two widely separated eras, and who, white and venerable, like Aigyptos knew innumerable things.