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Eckfeldt brought me five medals, four of which I sent by Mr. Ross; the other shall be disposed of as you direct. The die of Truxton's medal broke after fifty-two had been struck. I suppose Truxton will feel more pain for this accident than he would to hear of the death of his friend T. Coxe.

I like the uniform very well, especially when I go where the girls are they always give a cadet's suit a second glance but as for the 'profession of arms, as you call it, excuse me." "What! would you like, Le Grande, always to be playing lady's man?" "Oh! yes; and that reminds me, George, that I have a new lady-love; she is at Madam Truxton's.

After a long night, during which he slept little and thought much, Conniston rose early, breakfasted at the little lunch-counter, and without waking Tommy Garton rode swiftly toward Truxton's camp. He hastened, for although it was still early morning it was time for work to begin upon the ditch.

It was while she was reading Truxton's letter that the Flippins came by Mr. Flippin and his wife, Mary, and little Fidelity. A slender mulatto woman followed with a basket. The Flippins were one of the "second families." Between them and the Paines of King's Crest and the Bannisters of Huntersfield stretched a deep chasm of social prejudice.

And then, flinging all hesitation from him, seeing clearly his one desperate hope, crying aloud, "I'll do it!" he broke into a run toward the tent. Yesterday they had taken Bat Truxton to Valley City. But they had forgotten Bat Truxton's rifle. With eager fingers Conniston struck a match.

He wanted me to be happy as long as I could. He's a dear boy, Becky but he's married " She went on presently with an effort. "He has been married over two years and, Becky he has married Mary Flippin." "Aunt Claudia " "He married her in Petersburg before he went to France with the first ambulance corps. They decided not to tell anyone. Mary took Truxton's middle name.

I've got to know what they are saying " The voices floated up. Truxton's a lilting tenor "Are you going to forgive us, Grandfather?" "I am not the grandfather of Mary Flippin's child," the Judge spoke evidently without heat. "You are the grandfather of Fidelity Branch Beaufort," said Truxton coolly; "you can't get away from that "

Be it understood, here and now, that she intended Truxton for the diplomatic service: as far removed from sordid steel as the New York post office is from the Court of St. James. But neither Truxton's father, who wanted him to be a manufacturing Croesus, or Truxton's mother, who expected him to become a social Solomon, appears to have taken the young man's private inclinations into consideration.

I believe that it is. I do not know, I cannot know, if I can do it. I believe that I can. If you have a better man, if in Denver or anywhere else you can find a better man, put him in Truxton's place. If you can't, if you want me to go ahead with the work, I'll do it." "Then that is settled. Confer often with Tommy Garton. If you need advice while I am away, go to him.

I had such hopes for him, Becky. He could have married anybody." Becky knew the kind of woman that Aunt Claudia had wanted Truxton to marry one whose ancestors were like those whose portraits hung in the hall at Huntersfield a woman with a high-held head a woman whose family traditions paralleled those of the Bannisters and Beauforts. "Then Fiddle is Truxton's child."