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It is to pave the stomach, to practice the chemistry of nature, to register the various dishes, to regale your tripes, to dig your grave with your teeth, play with the sword of Cain, to inter sauces, to support a cuckold. But more philosophically it is to make ordure with one's teeth. Now, do you understand? How many words does it require to burst open the lid of your understanding?

'But afther this performince is over me an' the Ghost 'll trample the tripes out av you, Terence, wid your ass's bray! An' that's how I come to know about Hamlut. Eyah! Those days, those days! Did you iver have onendin' devilmint an' nothin' to pay for it in your life, sorr?" "Never, without having to pay," I said. "That's thrue!

Garnish your dish with crisp parsley. To make a white Fricassy of TRIPES, to eat like CHICKENS.

The good man Grangousier took great pleasure in their company, and commanded there should be no want nor pinching for anything. Nevertheless he bade his wife eat sparingly, because she was near her time, and that these tripes were no very commendable meat. They would fain, said he, be at the chewing of ordure, that would eat the case wherein it was.

I fully believe you have knocked the Farmer-general on the head." "Is it true?" questioned the abbe. "As true as that I have perforated with my sword yonder scoundrel's tripes."

When a sheep or a pig is cut up, nothing of it remains by evening; for one man has taken the shoulder, another the rump, another the neck, and there are even some who like the tripes and the feet.

Now give me all the help you can. The imagery under which Slawkenbergius impresses this upon the reader's fancy, in the beginning of his third Decad, is so ludicrous, that the honour I bear the sex, will not suffer me to quote it otherwise it is not destitute of humour. 'I have nothing, good Lady, but empty bottles; says the asse. 'I'm loaded with tripes; says the second.

The whole house begun to tell him that. He stopped his soliloquishms mid-between. "My shtockin's may be comin' down or they may not," sez he, screwin' his eye into the gallery, for well he knew who I was. "But afther this performince is over me an' the Ghost 'll trample the tripes out av you, Terence, wid your ass's bray!" An' that's how I come to know about Hamlut. Eyah! Those days, those days!