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'Then they say a passill o' lies, an' you ought to be ashamed to go an' tell 'em o'er again. Do you think as the master, as has got a wife like the missis, 'ud go running arter a stuck-up piece o' goods like that Countess, as isn't fit to black the missis's shoes? I'm none so fond o' the master, but I know better on him nor that. 'Well, I didn't b'lieve it, said Mr. Tomms, humbly.

'I know the master's shorter o' money than iver, an' it meks no end o' difference i' th' housekeepin' her bein' here, besides bein' obliged to have a charwoman constant. 'There's fine stories i' the village about her, said Mr. Tomms. 'They say as Muster Barton's great wi' her, or else she'd niver stop here.

Tomms occurred, you may imagine what it must have been by the beginning of November, and that at that time a very slight spark might any day cause the long-smouldering anger to flame forth in open indignation. That spark happened to fall the very morning that Mrs. Hackit paid the visit to Mrs. Patten, recorded in the last chapter.

Like all the rest of the court, Waterbuck rose, and remained on his feet until the judge was seated. James rose but slightly; he was already comfortable, and had no opinion of Bentham, having sat next but one to him at dinner twice at the Bumley Tomms'. Bumley Tomm was rather a poor thing, though he had been so successful. James himself had given him his first brief.

It was a perpetually heightening 'aggravation' to Nanny that she and her mistress had to 'slave' more than ever, because there was this fine lady in the house. 'An, she pays nothin' for't neither, observed Nanny to Mr. Jacob Tomms, a young gentleman in the tailoring line, who occasionally simply out of a taste for dialogue looked into the vicarage kitchen of an evening.

Like all the rest of the court, Waterbuck rose, and remained on his feet until the judge was seated. James rose but slightly; he was already comfortable, and had no opinion of Bentham, having sat next but one to him at dinner twice at the Bumley Tomms'. Bumley Tomm was rather a poor thing, though he had been so successful. James himself had given him his first brief.