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But after the early peas, they must wait for the February peas; and before they were picked, Jimmie complained that his throat felt sore. Next day he and Sally both broke out with measles. Grandma had her hands full, keeping the toddler from running out into sunshine and rain; but it was Jimmie who really worried her, he was so sick.

But these men stood aside one can see them! and gave place not merely to the delicate and the refined, but to the scared Czech woman from the steerage, with her baby at her breast; the Croatian with a toddler by her side, coming through the very gate of Death and out of the mouth of Hell to the imagined Eden of America.

I have a "sweet tooth" too, and the toddler will do his best, as he has one bestowed on him by his mother. There is a crash in the little scullery opening off the room we are in, and as the mistress of the house jumps up with an exclamation the round moon-face of an Indian woman appears for a moment in the doorway. It seems she has upset the coffee which she was going to bring in.

As Bedell lifted the bow once more, every wincing nerve was enlisted in arresting it in mid-air. "Mighty long tramp fur Bobbie, thar, why n't ye kerry him!" y The imperturbable calm still held fast on the musician's face. "Bob," he addressed the toddler, "will you uns let daddy kerry ye like a baby!" He swooped down as if to lift the child, the violin and bow in his left hand.

I had to hear the stingless little native bees humming before I could see them; and as to knowing which tree had honey in it, unless I saw the bees, that was quite beyond me, while a mere toddler would point triumphantly to a 'sugar-bag' tree, recognising it as such by the wax on its fork, black before rain, yellowish afterwards.

Capturing the Eagle's Nest. At three years of age, he trudged off to school with his brother Charles. Though Charles was three years the senior, the little fellow struggled to keep pace with him in all their childish play and work. Two miles the children walked daily to the schoolhouse, a long walk for a toddler of three.

And in other emergencies she divined the mysteries of the flesh, as other precocities divine the mysteries of painting and music, and so become child wonders. Others came and went. She alone remained there. Babies of her babyhood the toddlers she, a toddler, had nursed were having babies themselves now; the middle-aged had had time to grow old and die.

From her description I know now that it was a green whip snake, a very delicate and absolutely harmless snake. Another time as a toddler, Mum says, I was playing with some old cartons and boxes at the farm when out leapt a snake from one of them.

Unfortunately for the Richlings there was in their dwelling no toddling, self-appointed child commissioner to find his way in unwatched moments to the play-ground of some other toddler, and so plant the good seed of neighbor acquaintanceship. This neighbor passed four times a day.

I was born in Garrard County, Kentucky. My father's farm was on Dick's River, where the cliffs rose to hundreds of feet, with great ledges of rocks, where under which I used to sit. There were many large rocks scattered around, some as much as fifteen feet across, with holes that held water, where my father salted his stock, and I, a little toddler, used to follow him.