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The child had water on the brain and lived but a few years. His usefulness to the world of mathematics was limited solely to show purposes. It is precisely the same with the so-called musical precocities. They are rarely successful in after life, and unless trained by some very wise and careful teacher, they soon become objects for pity.

And in other emergencies she divined the mysteries of the flesh, as other precocities divine the mysteries of painting and music, and so become child wonders. Others came and went. She alone remained there. Babies of her babyhood the toddlers she, a toddler, had nursed were having babies themselves now; the middle-aged had had time to grow old and die.

By the time he was ten years old he had produced a Latin essay on the Trojan War. Such things, which in another might have been mere childish precocities, were in him the indications of an enthusiasm for antiquity, which was destined to be the ruling passion of his whole life. Yet the beginnings of his career in the world were unromantic to the last degree.

It had left him aged not aged as with years, but by an experience which made all the keen-faced men about him seem clever precocities whose mentalities had outstripped the growth of their souls. And studying this phenomenon, Selwyn became conscious of the American business face.

As I was soon ready with my task, and was yet obliged to sit quiet, I listened with my book before me, and very readily caught the Italian, which struck me as an agreeable softening of Latin. Other precocities, with respect to memory and the power to combine, I possessed in common with those children who thus acquire an early reputation.