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Men who hold to their principles in the midst of revolutions, who for the sake of honor resist the temptations of power, who have faith in liberty and in progress even when their hopes are overthrown, are rare at all times and in all lands. "France no longer produces such men," said the Duke de Broglie, when he heard of Tocqueville's death.

In the long list of her public characters during the past thirty years, there are few names which can share the honor with Tocqueville's of being those neither of apostates nor of schemers.

Inferior in point of style to De Tocqueville's 'Democracy in America, it far surpasses that book in amplitude, breadth of view, acuteness of observation, and minuteness of information; besides being half a century later in date, and therefore able to set down accomplished facts where the earlier observer could only make forecasts.

He confided to me that he intended to run for Congress. He was now twenty-four, a political leader in his party, fearless, dreaded, and resourceful. Douglas had advised me to read political history. Accordingly, during the long evenings at the farm, I had gone through Elliott's Debates and the Federalist. My grandmother sent me De Tocqueville's De la Démocratie en Amérique, which I read in French.

See Lord Palmerston's statements on this subject in Ashley's Life of Palmerston, ii. 200-211. Maupas, in his Mémoires, gives a very detailed account of the conspiracy on the Bonapartist side. It appears that the 'homme de confiance' of Changarnier was in his pay. Tocqueville's Memoirs, ii. Ashley's Life of Palmerston, ii. 208. Newman. See Ollivier, L'Empire Libéral, i. 510-512.

The true method, I take it, is that which was indicated by Tocqueville's great book upon democracy in America; a book which, if I may trust my own impressions, though necessarily imperfect as regards America, is a perfectly admirable example of the fruitful method of studying such problems.

They show, therefore, an unusual appreciation of the constitutional side of French history; and he anticipated some of the results set forth with, of course, far greater knowledge of the subject, in Tocqueville's 'Ancien Régime. Tocqueville himself wrote very cordially to my father upon the subject; and the lectures have been valued by very good judges.

Tison, Madam, and the queen. Tocqueville's, M. Alexis de, opinion of the feudal system in France. Toulan, M., and Marie Antoinette. Toulouse, Loménie de Brienne, Archbishop of. Tourzel, Marchioness de; the queens writes, intrusting her children to the care of; assumes the name of Madame de Korff. Trial of Cardinal de Rohan and others for forgery; of the king, December 11th, 1792.

From Lord Hatherton Teddesley, March 5th. I have been from home two days....Pray excuse my not having thanked you before for your kind announcement of Tocqueville's convalescence. But the same day brought me a letter from a friend of Tocqueville's brother, ... telling me the accounts were very unpromising. I hope and believe yours is the more reliable account.

Beware how you teach that; beware how you listen to him then." He turned from her abruptly and tottered away. Glancing aside, she met the Vicomte de Tocqueville's tired smile; he was using his cane to prod the butcher and recall his attention to the half-cut steak. But the butcher continued to stare down the street. "Eh?