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Simmer for another half-hour. Remove the bouquet, add a gill of stewed and strained tomato, half a gill of glaze, and a tablespoonful of Chutney. Serve in a pyramid, pour the gravy, after it is well skimmed, over the whole, and garnish with fried croûtons. Timbales d’Épinard.

Watercress Salad. Willard Souffle. Strawberry Ice Cream. Salted Almonds. Bonbons. Crackers and Cheese. Black Coffee. Oyster Cocktail. Saltines. Mushroom and Sage Soup. Dinner Braids. Lobster Chops. Cucumber Boats. Sauce Tartare. Swedish Timbales with Calf's Brains. Larded Fillet of Beef with Truffles. Brown Mushroom Sauce, Potato Rings. Flageolets. Buttered Carrots.

Olives and Salted Pecans. Fillets of Sole, Mushroom Sauce. Roast Goose, Giblet Gravy, Frozen Apples. Riced Potatoes, Glazed Silver Skins. Pimento Timbales. Chiffonade Salad. English Plum Pudding, Sherry Sauce. Coffee Ice Cream, Almond Cakes. Bonbons. Crackers and Cheese. Black Coffee. Smoked Salmon and Anchovy Canapes. Tomato Bisque Soup. Buttered Croquettes, Croutons. Tartlets of Egg with Curry.

So the cook followed in Betty's track, and Mr. Gibson had to satisfy his healthy English appetite on badly made omelettes, rissoles, vol-au-vents, croquets, and timbales; never being exactly sure what he was eating. He had made up his mind before his marriage to yield in trifles, and be firm in greater things.

For sweetbreads, cutlets, roast beef, etc., the knife is also necessary; but for the croquettes, rissoles, bouch,es ... la Reine, timbales, and dishes of that class, the fork alone is needed. A majority of the made dishes in which the French excel are to be eaten with the fork.

He said they were all Timbales or Cymbals or something of that kind; and then he talked very prettily about the stole, and the violet and scarlet capes of the cardinals, and purple chasubles, and the lace edge of the Pope's little short gown; and do you know it was very funny but it seemed to me, somehow, as if I was talking with Portier or Florine Lefevre, except that he used such beautiful words.

En avant du chameau marchoient quatre ménestrels (musiciens) et une grande quantité de tambours et de nacquaires (timbales) qui faisoient ung hault bruit. Devant et autour de lui étoient une trentaine d'hommes dont les uns portoient des arbalètes, les autres des épées nues, d'autres de petits canons (arquebuses) qu'ils tiroient de temps en temps. [Footnote: L'auteur ne dit pas si ces arquebuses étoient