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Five minutes more, gloomily: "Maybe it's man's destiny to build live machines and then bow out of the cosmic picture. Except the ticklers need us, dammit, just like nomads need horses." Another five minutes: "Maybe somebody could dream up a purpose in life for ticklers. Even a religion the First Church of Pooh-Bah Tickler.

"Well, here's where you get it if you'll agree not to spring any more ghost yarns on us," said Harris. "Just look over this collection of palate ticklers, fellows." "Fruit cake!" gasped Sam, delightedly. "Oh, how my stomach yearns for it!" "Cream pie!" ejaculated Wat Snell. "Yum! yum! Somebody please hold me!" "Tarts!" panted Harvey Dare. "Oh, I won't do a thing to them!"

Of course if it is and love is listed as an intoxicant, the blind god will be expatriated for the benefit of the makers of Peruna, Hostetter's Bitters and and other palate ticklers, popular only at blind tigers. Why the deuce didn't the Seymourites set to work and settle this vexatious problem for themselves?

Scarcely less important were the sinews of war employed, told of in the following detailed account. A law at that time stood on the Virginia statutes forbidding all treating or giving of what were called "ticklers" to the voters, and declaring illegal all elections which were thus influenced. None the less, the voters of Frederick enjoyed at Washington's charge

In theatres people squirmed uneasily until the ends of acts, in order to listen to returns read from the stage before the curtain. Police were everywhere. People with horns, and bells, and all manner of noise-making devices, with confetti and "ticklers" pushed up on one side of Broadway and down on the other.

"Why, you miserable " Gusterson began in a kind of confused horror, then got hold of himself and said curtly, "They were supposed to be mech reminders. They were supposed to record memoranda and " Fay held up a palm and shook his head and again listened for a space. Then, "That's how ticklers were supposed to be of use to humans," he said. "I don't mean that at all.

By the time they got to the bottom, the message had become, "Ticklers should have a planet of their own!" They never did catch up with Fay, although they spent two hours skimming around on slidewalks, under the subterranean stars, pursuing rumors of his presence. Gusterson continued to deliver his message to all and sundry at 30-second intervals.

"Fetch me a pannikin o' tea, for it's dry work tellin' a anikdot. You see, Gaff, I'm a reg'lar teetotaller never go the length o' coffee even without a doctor's surtificate. Another cup, Susan?" "No thank 'ee, father, I couldn't." "Werry good. Now, Gaff, what's the 'ticklers o' your case. Time about's fair play, you know."

This time he added, "Ticklers shouldn't be tied to the frail bodies of humans, which need a lot of thoughtful supervision and drug-injecting and can't even fly." Crossing the park, Gusterson stopped a hump-backed soldier and informed him, "Ticklers gotta cut the apron string and snap the silver cord and go out in the universe and find their own purposes."

This is made by Ticklers', Limited, of London, England, and after the tins are empty we use them to manufacture hand grenades. In those days our supply of hand bombs was like our supply of shells, problematic to say the least. After a time, back of the line, instruction schools were opened in bomb making and bomb throwing.