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No inuention or matter haue they of theyr owne, but tacke vp a stile of his stale galimafries. The leaden headed Germanes first began this, and we Englishmen haue surfetted of their absurd imitation. I pittie Nizolius that had nothing to doe, but picke thrids ends out of an olde ouerworne garment. This is but by the waie, we must looke backe to our disputants.

And if, on the contrary, I look'd through the Microscope upon any part that appear'd Green, I could plainly see that the Red thrids were less fully expos'd to the Eye, and obscur'd by the Green ones, which therefore made up the Predominant Colour.

His armour was all intermixed with lyllies and roses, and the bases therof bordered with nettles and weeds, signifieng stings, crosses, and ouergrowing incumbrances in his loue, his helmet round proportioned like a gardeners waterpot, from which seemed to issue forth small thrids of water, like citerne stringes, that not onely did moisten the lillies and roses, but did fructifie as well the nettles and weedes, and made them ouergrow their liege Lordes.

When Thrids of more than two differing Colours chance to be Interwoven, the resulting changeableness of the Taffity may be also somewhat different.

The Situation also of the Superficial particles is considerable, which I distinguish into the Posture of the single Corpuscles, in respect of the Light, and of the Eye, and the Order of them in reference also to one another; for a Body may otherwise reflect the Light, when its Superficial particles are more erected upon the Plain that may be conceiv'd to pass along their Basis, and when the Points or Extremes of such Particles are Obverted to the Eye, than when those Particles are so Inclin'd, that their Sides are in great part Discernable, as the Colour of Plush or Velvet will appear Vary'd to you, if you carefully stroak part of it one way, and part of it another, the posture of the particular Thrids, in reference to the Light, or the Eye, becoming thereby different.

On February 18th, 1661, Edward, Marquis of Worcester, obtained Letters Patent for "an invencon to make certeyne guns or pistolls which in the tenth parte of one minute of an houre may, with a flaske contrived to that purpose, be re-charged the fourth part of one turne of the barrell which remaines still fixt, fastening it as forceably and effectually as a dozen thrids of any scrue, which in the ordinary and usual way require as many turnes."

And by observing the Texture of the Silken Stuff, I could easisy so expose the Thrids either of the one Colour or of the other to my Eye, as at pleasure to exhibit an apparition of Red or Green, or make those Colours succeed one another: So that, when I observ'd their Succession by the help of the Glass, I could mark how the Predominant Colour did as it were start out, when the Thrids that exhibited it came to be advanagiously plac'd; And by making little Folds in the Stuff after a certain manner, the Sides that met and terminated in those Folds, would appear to the naked Eye, one of them Red, and the other Green.

He climbs the summits of the loftiest mountains and thrids the labyrinth of the deepest mine; he calls to the heights of the heavens and to the depths of the sea. But there is no answering voice, and he is left to nurse his dumb and piteous despair.

But let me once be persuaded that all these heart-awakening utterances of human hearts of men of like faculties and passions with myself, mourning, rejoicing, suffering, triumphing are but as a Divina Commedia of a superhuman O bear with me, if I say Ventriloquist; that the royal harper, to whom I have so often submitted myself as a MANY-STRINGED INSTRUMENT for his fire-tipt fingers to traverse, while every several nerve of emotion, passion, thought, that thrids the flesh-and-blood of our common humanity, responded to the touch, that this SWEET PSALMIST OF ISRAEL was himself as mere an instrument as his harp, an AUTOMATON poet, mourner, and supplicant; all is gone, all sympathy, at least, and all example.

On February 18th, 1661, Edward, Marquis of Worcester, obtained Letters Patent for "an invencon to make certeyne guns or pistolls which in the tenth parte of one minute of an houre may, with a flaske contrived to that purpose, be re-charged the fourth part of one turne of the barrell which remaines still fixt, fastening it as forceably and effectually as a dozen thrids of any scrue, which in the ordinary and usual way require as many turnes."