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Updated: August 18, 2024

Dick, that thou beest a white-lyvered chap I don't say, but if thou beestn't as mad as a cappel-faced bull, let me smile no more." "O, ay." "And what's think now, Dick?" "I don't know." "Here's another pretty kettle o' fish for thee. Who d'ye think's the bitter weed in our being turned out? Did our party tell 'ee?" "No. Why, Pa'son Maybold, I suppose."

'Who d'you think's to mek gravy anuff, if you're to baste people's gownds wi' it? 'Well, suggested John, humbly, 'you should wet the bottom of the duree a bit, to hold it from slippin'. 'Wet your granny! returned the cook; a retort which she probably regarded in the light of a reductio ad absurdum, and which in fact reduced John to silence.

I say, Brian, what d'you think's inside?" "I'm sure I don't know," answered the boy, laughing. "Old clothes, perhaps." "Oh, no; it's sure to be something valuable. Just fancy it hasn't been opened for twenty years! T-w-e-n-t-y years! That's twice as long as the whole of my life!" "Then," said Brian, who was good at mental arithmetic, "it's been shut up for 7,300 days, all but two."

"But what," Aunt Harriet cried; "what do they think's become of him?" "Old man Dill said they were all pretty anxious," said Mr. Atwater. "They're afraid Noble has they're afraid he's disappeared." Aunt Fanny screamed. Then, in perfect accord, they all turned to look at Herbert, who rose and would have retired upstairs had he been permitted.

He's been suffering terribly all night, and the doctor think's he's dying. "I followed her into gran'ther's room, where the family was assembled about the bed.

"Why we are waiting for the lady," cried one of them. "Waiting for a fiddlestick!" said Mrs Belfield; "here's no lady here, nor no company; so if you think I'll have my entry filled up by two hulking fellows for nothing, I shall shew you the difference. One's dirt enough of one's own, without taking people out of the streets to help one. Who do you think's to clean after you?"

"Well, whatever they are, they go on, while ours stop. We're on the streets, we're done for. Look at us and most of us has got families, too! I got an old mother an' a lot of brothers and sisters, an' my old man done up an' can't work. What do you think's to become of us?" "We'll help you out a little, Rafferty " "To hell with you!" cried Tim. "I don't want your help!

Calengrove Mansions, Maida Vale," he said. "Um quarter of an hour's drive. Tertius you and I will go and see this young fellow at once." Mr. Tertius turned to Professor Cox-Raythwaite. "What do you think of this, Cox-Raythwaite?" he asked, almost piteously. "I mean what do you think's best to be done?"

You're too fond of running about saying you can't help this and you can't help that ... and spilling over! And what do you think's going to be the end of this business? I suppose you imagine that Cecily'll change her mind some day, and run away with you? Do you think she'll run away with you when she wouldn't run away with me? Damn you, you've got a nerve to think a thing like that...."

'And who may you be wanting to christen? 'It isn't for a baby; a boy about as old as me. What do you think's an ugly name? 'I don't think any name is very ugly, his mother said. 'If you like a person, their name always seems to fit. I knew two boys named Tobiah and Eli. I didn't like the names at first, though they are Bible ones, but when I got to know and like the boys I liked the names.

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