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"No," said Musgrave, "I think that is only a theory, and breaks down, as all theories do, when it is put in practice: look at all the really big writers: look at Shakespeare to me his work gives the impression of being both hasty and uncorrected.

+549+. A similar remark must be made in reference to theories based on the belief that the souls of the dead are incarnate in animals and plants. Reverence for an ancestor might be, and sometimes is, transferred to the object in which he is supposed to be incarnate; from this object a man holds himself to be descended, and he refrains from eating or injuring it.

Huxley, under the dominance of his theory, and inadvertently, quotes a good authority as saying the precise reverse of what he really does say. If the facts not fitting their theories are little observed by authorities so popular as Mr. Huxley and Mr.

"I hope, sir," the Inspector protested, "that you will not think I am asking this question through any irrelevant curiosity. I am beginning to form a theory of my own as to these two murders, but it needs building up. The offering of a reward like this, if it emanates from the source which I suspect that it does, gives a solid foundation to my theories.

I do not say that all theories of religion and philosophy are necessarily true, but they are real enough; they have existed, they exist, they cannot die.

There were, however, other theories in the field, notably those of the radical Republican leaders.

Bibb had opened the flood-gates of a stream of long-dammed discourse, overjoyed to have captured an audience that had not suffered under a hundred repetitions of his views and theories. "One year more," said Bibb, "and I'll go back to God's country. Oh, I know it's pretty here, and you get dolce far niente handed to you in chunks, but this country wasn't made for a white man to live in.

"Principal of the Polktown School! I saw your article in the State School Register. Theories! You write just as though you know what you were writing about." "Oh well," he said, rather taken aback by her joking. "And it wasn't much more than a year ago that you turned up your nose at the profession of teaching." "Aw now!" he said, pleadingly.

Women were queer; they liked theories. A man could have a theory of life and play with it and boast about it, but never dream of living up to it. But give one to a woman, and she chewed on it like a dog on a bone. If those Bolshevists had got hold of Lily ! The encounter had hurt Lily, too. The fine edge of her exaltation was gone, and it did not return during her brief talk with Willy Cameron.

Just as I begin to think that we have standardized a lot of things, along comes some one in a book, or elsewhere, and completely upsets my fine and comforting theories and projects me into chaos again.