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"Yes," said I, repeating my Baedeker as accurately as he, "the Villa Reale, and the Iron Crown of the Emperors of the West." "Exactly so, sir, and the cathedral built " "By Theodolinda, Queen of the Lombards, A.D. 595, restored in the sixteenth century. I know; I only asked whether you could get me a decent carriage." "A matchless one!

He expressed his doctrine very agreeably in his speech accepting the party nomination; though credit should be given to Theodolinda, who had assisted him by a little private seance before he addressed the convention. I can Take It or Let It Alone, but frankly, I prefer to Take It.

San Giovanni had been the patron saint of Florence for at least eight hundred years ever since the time when the Lombard Queen Theodolinda had commanded her subjects to do him peculiar honour; nay, says old Villani, to the best of his knowledge, ever since the days of Constantino the Great and Pope Sylvester, when the Florentines deposed their idol Mars, whom they were nevertheless careful not to treat with contumely; for while they consecrated their beautiful and noble temple to the honour of God and of the "Beato Messere Santo Giovanni," they placed old Mars respectfully on a high tower near the River Arno, finding in certain ancient memorials that he had been elected as their tutelar deity under such astral influences that if he were broken, or otherwise treated with indignity, the city would suffer great damage and mutation.

Quimbleton helped Theodolinda down from her horse, and they all sat sadly by the roadside. "Theo," said Quimbleton, as he wiped his brow, "do you think, dear, that if I set up the table you could give us a little trance? Upon my soul, I am nearly done in." "Darling Virgil," said Theodolinda, "I really can't do it.

Some of them were quite ambitious in size; in the British Museum is a Diptych measuring over sixteen inches by five: the tusk from which this was made must have been almost unique in size. It is a Byzantine work, and has the figure of an angel carved upon it. Gregory the Great sent a gift of ivory to Theodolinda, Queen of the Lombards, in 600.

"Yes," said I, repeating my Baedeker as accurately as he, "the Villa Reale, and the Iron Crown of the Emperors of the West." "Exactly so, sir, and the cathedral built " "By Theodolinda, Queen of the Lombards, A.D. 595, restored in the sixteenth century. I know; I only asked whether you could get me a decent carriage." "A matchless one!

"No Robinson trousseau for me," he said. "I thought of pasting together the leaves of The Bartender's Benefactor, but I'm afraid that would be rather damning. No, I don't see what to do." "I have it!" said Theodolinda, gleefully. "I've got a sewing kit in the car we'll unrip the upholstery and I can stitch you up a suit in no time.

They all sat their drinking psychic Three-Star in honor of the event. As Quimbleton said, helping Purplevein back to his motor "Hitch your flagon to a Star." Virgil and Theodolinda were returning from their honeymoon, which they had spent touring in Quimbleton's Spad plane.

These jovial vagabonds, as the reader will have suspected, were no other than Theodolinda Chuff, Virgil Quimbleton, and the family of Bleaks. Affairs had gone steadily from bad to worse. After the incident or, as some blasphemously called it, the miracle at Cana, Bishop Chuff had commenced ruthless warfare.

They carried a huge hose, and in ten seconds a six-inch stream of cold water was being poured upon the bewildered psychic tipplers. Quimbleton and Bleak, seizing the girl's helpless form, escaped by a door at the back of the platform. "Heaven help us," cried Bleak, distraught. "What shall we do? This means the firing squad unless we can escape." Theodolinda feebly opened her eyes.