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Updated: January 1, 2025

"Ah, madame," Beloiseau exclaimed, "you are co'rec'! But, any'ow, in a caze where the two faith' are con-tra-ry 'tis not for you Protestant' to be diztres' ab-out! You, you don' care so much ab-out those myzterie' of bil-ief as about those rule' of conduc'. Almoze, I may say, you run those rule' of conduc' into the groun' and tha'z right!

And tha'z but the biginning; you have not count' the dramatization hundreds the week! and those movie' the same! and those tranzlation'!" "Well, I think we will be satisfied, Mr. Chester, with the tenth of that, eh?" Chester's reply was drowned in monsieur's: "No, my child! But nine-tenth' maybe, yes!

"Oh!" cried the tender Yvonne original rescuer of Marie Madeleine from boy lynchers "you don't have charitie! That way you make yo'seff un'appie." "Me, I cann' think," her sister persevered, "that tha'z juz' for the insuranse. The manuscrip' is receive'? Well! 'ow can you receive something if you don't agcept it? And 'ow can you agcep' that if you don' receive it? Ah-h-h!"

Beloiseau's response crowded Chester's out: "Well, they are maybe important, those stratagem'; but to me the chieve danger is if maybe that editor shou'n' have the sagacitie artiztic commercial to perceive the brilliancy of thad story." "Never mine! in any'ow two days we'll know. Scipion! The day avter those two, tha'z a pewblic holiday everything shut!" "Yes, well?"

"No, but juz' run quick out the back door and fron' gate and holla 'fire'! Go!" At the crack of the door she listened after him while her sister crowded close, whispering: "Ah, pauvre Aline, always wise! Like us, silent! And tha'z after all the bravezt!" In a moment Cupid was back, less frozen yet trembling: "She am' dah. Seem' like 'tis her leave de do' opem." "Her clothes they are gone?"

"To receive and discuss the judgment of their " "The suggestions," Chester amended. "The judgment and suggestion' of their counsel, how tha'z best to publish the literary treasure they've foun' and which has egspand' from one story to three or four. Biccause the one which was firzt acquire' is laztly turn' out to be the only one of a su'possible incompat' eh in-com-pat-a-bil-ity to the others."

And Mélanie she say tha'z one cause that she was wanting De l'Isle to see that play; biccause sinz lately she's notiz he's make himseff very complimentary also to mademoiselle, and she, Mélanie, she want' him to notiz how that way he's in danger to make mizunderstanding and diztress to himseff and all concern'.

From now till Wednesday, every time that clock, I'll pray those four évangélistes! and Thursday you'll see the power of prayer! Oh, 'tis like magique, that power of prayer!" On Tuesday evening Chester, a country boy yet now and then, was first at the De l'Isles'. Madame lauded him. "Punctualitie! tha'z the soul of pleasure!"

"M. Beloiseau?" the chair hostess said; and Scipion, with languor in his voice but a burning fervor in his eye, responded: "I think Mr. Chezter he's speaking with a too great modestie or else dip-lomacie. Tha'z not good! If fid-elitie to art inspire me a conceitednezz as high" his upthrown hand quivered at arm's length "as the flagpole of Hotel St.

So, when he get well he say, 'Papa, I can' stay any mo' in rue Royale, neither in that vieux carré, neither in that Louisiana. And my grandpère and all that coterie they say: 'To go at Connect-icut, or Kanzaz, or Californie, tha'z no ril-ief; you muz' go at France and Spain, wherever 'tis good to study the iron-work, whiles we are hoping there will be a renaissance in that art and that businezz; and same time only the good God know' what he can cause to happen to lead a child of the faith out of trouble and sorrow.

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