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Updated: January 20, 2025
Nef magique et supreme! elle a, rien qu'eri marchant, Change le cri terrestre en pur et joyeux chant, Rajeuni les races fletries, Etabli l'ordre vrai, montre le chemin sur, Dieu juste! et fait entrer dans l'homme tant d'azur Qu'elle a supprime les patries!
At that time especially, when Italy was visited only by people of a certain social standing, society was carried on by a most complicated system of letters of introduction, and everyone of any note brought a letter to Mme. d'Albany. "La grande lanterne magique passe tout par votre salon," wrote Sismondi to the Countess; and the metaphor could not be truer.
"I shall, Mees, myself dispose of Piggee, if it please. I can. I shall have no sound; he shall to go away like a silent snow, to trouble you no more, never!" "Oh, Sir! if you could! But I don't see how!" "If Mees was to see, it would not be to save her pain. I shall have him to go by magique to fiery land." Fairy-land, probably! But Miss Lucinda did not perceive the équivoque.
From now till Wednesday, every time that clock, I'll pray those four évangélistes! and Thursday you'll see the power of prayer! Oh, 'tis like magique, that power of prayer!" On Tuesday evening Chester, a country boy yet now and then, was first at the De l'Isles'. Madame lauded him. "Punctualitie! tha'z the soul of pleasure!"
The landlord handed the apothecary the following writing: MR. JOSEPH FROWENFELD: Think not that anybody is to be either poisoned by me nor yet to be made a sufferer by the exercise of anything by me of the character of what is generally known as grigri, otherwise magique. This, sir, I do beg your permission to offer my assurance to you of the same. Ah, no! it is not for that!
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