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But many a man who would have stood within a home dismantled, strong in his passion and design of vengeance, has had the firmness of his nature conquered by the razing of an air-built castle. When the log-hut received them for the second time, Martin laid down upon the ground, and wept aloud. 'Lord love you, sir! cried Mr Tapley, in great terror; 'Don't do that! Don't do that, sir!

Ere this fearful stave was concluded, Adrian, sensible that in such orgies there was no chance of prosecuting his inquiries, left the desecrated chamber and fled, scarcely drawing breath, so great was the terror that seized him, till he stood once more in the court amidst the hot, sickly, stagnant sunlight, that seemed a fit atmosphere for the scenes on which it fell.

The other, of sickly appearance, had a pretty but wasted countenance, and a narrow, consumptive chest, sapped by that devouring faith which is the making of martyrs and visionaries. A man and woman, sitting opposite the two nuns, attracted all eyes. The man a well-known character was Cornudet, the democrat, the terror of all respectable people.

Jean Valjean allowed himself to slide down the roof, still holding fast to Cosette, reached the linden-tree, and leaped to the ground. Whether from terror or courage, Cosette had not breathed a sound, though her hands were a little abraded.

The great and abiding truth for which the Brontë cycle of fiction stands is a certain most important truth about the enduring spirit of youth, the truth of the near kinship between terror and joy.

A reign of terror followed in the Jewish communities upon the promulgation of these laws.

"I never set eyes on Rachel this blessed night at all. I'd take a text o' scripture to it." "Then what is the matter with you?" he demanded, giving her a slight shake. "Hush, Giles!" responded she, in a tone of unmistakable terror. "I saw a ghost!" "Saw a what?" thundered Giles Roy. "A ghost!" she repeated. "And it have made me shiver ever since."

"I'm goin' to take that fifteen hundred dollars out of it." "Mother, you ain't going to stay here, and make folks think you're Aunt Esther?" "Yes, I am." Then all Lois' horror and terror manifested themselves in one cry "O mother!" Mrs. Field never flinched. "If you want to act so an' feel so about it, you can," said she.

His name is Lucido, and a good name it is, for he is a very pearl of patience." The Brother opened the Gate; but the instant he saw in Fra Giovanni's arms a man whose face, livid and all but expressionless, was covered over with scales, he knew him for a leper, and rushed off in terror to warn the Brother Superior. The latter's name was Andrea of Padua, and he was a man of very holy life.

She was thinking of far other things, indeed, when she was startled by some one calling to her, "Look out, miss, or you'll have your dog shot!" She turned and caught a glimpse of what sent a thrill of terror to her heart.