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"Oh, I see your point," Stimson agreed. "I could stand Balta, but Wilcox is just one too many for me. But do you boys think for one minute we could get away with a strike?" He laughed angrily. "I can remember when the technies were able to demand their guild rights. But you boys weren't even born then. Now, let's get this straight: "We are going to do just as we are told.

I love the game." "You do?" Philander's eyes gleamed. "It's been a long time since there was anyone here who did." "Then I hope you'll let me come in occasionally for a game. I get lonesome here. The other guards aren't worth talking to, and I'm not educated enough in science or technology to get in on the arguments of the engineers and other technies." "Sure, sure, come in any time.

There were three others besides Wasil: young Martians, keen, efficient, and, like most technies, loyal to the government that employed them. "Sure are careful to-day," Stimson grunted, scratching his snow-white hair, which was stiffly upstanding and showed a coral tinge from his scalp. "Must be mighty important to get this out right. Wilcox personally wrote the order.

"But why only one man?" cried Scarba, one of the associate engineers. "It's asking too much! I'll not take it on, far as I'm concerned. My resignation will be ready soon's I can get a blank!" "I too! I'm with you, Scarba!" "We work like dogs to get everything in first-line condition, and then " The hard-working and uncomplaining technies were outspoken in their resentment.

Oh, well, when we get technies here, with transformers, we can find out what to do with them." "I'm going back to the fleet now," the elder SS man said. "I suppose you want to go back to Simonides to handle the details of the trials of these men. Incidentally, what about this ... Philander, did you say his name was? Why don't you think he'll need punishment?"

If any man fumbles to-day, it's the polar penal colony for him!" The Sun-loving old Martian shivered. "And here's another bright idea. Only one man's to be allowed in the plant after the circuits are all tested! How'n the name of Pluto will he handle things if a fuse blows? But what do they care about that! We're technies! We're supposed to know everything, and never have anything go wrong!"