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It then was held by the Alstons, from whom it took its secondary name, and was finally in the possession of the Tates, and was the seat of a celebrated wall-paper manufactory. "The manufacture of porcelain acquired great celebrity. It was established near the water-side.... Upon the same premises was afterwards established a manufactory of stained paper."

Howard Tate was a Chicago Todd before she became a Toledo Tate, and the family generally affect that conscious simplicity which has begun to be the earmark of American aristocracy. The Tates have reached the stage where they talk about pigs and farms and look at you icy-eyed if you are not amused.

Len, slow witted and suspicious, thought that there was "something in the idea," but added pompously that he could not see that the Monroes, as a family, were under any need of obliging the Frosts and the Tates, and that the property was there in any case, and there was no occasion for hurry.

But a little man named Warburton, who knew it all, found it necessary to hazard an opinion: "It came in with Mr. Tate. I think part of it's probably Warren Butterfield, the architect from New York, who's visiting the Tates." Something stirred in Betty Medill that age-old interest of the provincial girl in the visiting man. "Oh," she said casually after a slight pause.

"I ought'o stay home today an' dig tates," continued the older man thoughtfully as they went into the wood-shed and wiped consecutively on the long roller towel. "Some o' them Early Rose lay right on top o' the ground. They'll get nipped sure." "Oh, I guess not. You'd better go, Jack; you don't get away very often. And then it would disappoint Nettie and the children so.

If the mother comes, she is to know nothing of this visit absolutely not a word, and, in return for your silence, you may use this money for something for your own children." Her tired, faded face lighted up, and I saw her glance at the little Tates' small feet. Shoes, I divined the feet of the genteel poor being almost as expensive as their stomachs. As we went back Mr.

But throughout life Dorset continued to countenance Nahum, serving as standing dedicatee of his works, and the prompter of several of them. We have remarked the want of judgment which Lord Dorset exhibited in his anxious patronage of the scholars and scribblers of his time, a trait which stood the Blackmores, Bradys, and Tates in good stead.

When such as Dryden and Pope lavished in preface and dedication their encomiums upon wealth and power, and waited eagerly for the golden guineas the bait might bring them, we have no right to complain of the Tates and Eusdens for prostituting their neglected Muses for a splendid sum certain per annum.

The Asylum is on King Street, almost at the very end, and there isn't much passing, just the Tates and the Gordons and a few others living farther on. The dining-room is in the basement, half below the ground, and on cloudy days the lamps have to be lighted that is, they used to. Now we have electric lights, and I just love to turn them on.

'The principal thing's muck as these here airly tates require. You see the first Napoleon, looking across the Channel at Britannia with the boot: he says, 'I hate white cliffs, which means Trafalgar; and 'I cry, Jam satis, father has just invented for Charles, that King of Spain who was Emperor of Germany too. You can see by it that he abdicated in 1556.