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So saying, he went within and whispered to the host to add a measure of Flemish strong waters to the good English ale; which the latter did and brought it to them. "By Our Lady," said the Tinker, after a long draught of the ale, "yon same Withold of Tamworth a right good Saxon name, too, I would have thee know breweth the most humming ale that e'er passed the lips of Wat o' the Crabstaff."

The exhibit of swine for awards runs between the same dates. The eligible breeds, besides swine in car-lots, are Poland-China, Berkshire, Duroc-Jersey, Chester White, Hampshire, Tamworth, Mule Foot, Large Yorkshire, Large English Black, Victoria, Essex, and Cheshire. The scope of the live-stock department is not limited to the material things of rural life.

The general would be back to-morrow, and then and then! she dreaded to picture that explosion of his wrath. SIR ABRAHAM TAMWORTH, G.C.B. a fine old Admiral of the White, who somewhat looked down upon the rank of General, H.E.I.C.S. was astonished, as well he might be, at Mr. Saunders, and his message: and, of course, most gladly acquiesced in acting as poor Emily's protector.

There was Gill o' the Red Cap, the Sheriff's own head archer, and Diccon Cruikshank of Lincoln Town, and Adam o' the Dell, a man of Tamworth, of threescore years and more, yet hale and lusty still, who in his time had shot in the famous match at Woodstock, and had there beaten that renowned archer, Clym o' the Clough.

This beautiful alp in the White Mountains commemorates in its name a prophet of the Pequawket tribe who, prior to undertaking a journey, had confided his son to a friendly settler, Cornelius Campbell, of Tamworth. The boy found some poison in the house that had been prepared for foxes, and, thinking it to be some delicacy, he drank of it and died.

In anticipation of this event, Peel issued an address to his constituents which became celebrated as the "Tamworth manifesto". It is somewhat cumbrous in style, but it embodies with sufficient clearness the new conservative policy of which Peel was the real author and henceforth the leading exponent.

A little bell jangled shrilly above it and Julian looked up. "Lady Tamworth!" he said after the merest pause and with no more than a natural start of surprise. Lady Tamworth, however, was too taken aback by the cool manner of his greeting to respond at once. She had forecast the commencement of the interview upon such wholly different lines that she felt lost and bewildered.

Baronet the Member for Tamworth now has his scheme to propose, and if he can succeed in it, he will not only have the universal wish of the nation in his favour, but the noble Lord also who is at the head of the Government will not, I am sure, object to give way to any man who will settle the Irish question. But the treatment of this Irish malady remains ever the same.

Not even Emily's intercession could avail to turn his wrath aside. He could hardly help flying off at once to do something dreadful; but common courtesy to all the Tamworth family obliged him to defer for an hour all the terrible things he meant to do. My mother, I am sure, for one, will thank you to do the honours there instead of me.

Take those 4,000,000 persons who live in the distressed districts, as described by the right hon. Baronet the Member for Tamworth. Their property in labour is almost totally destroyed. There they are men whom God made and permitted to come into this world, endowed with faculties like ourselves, but who are unable to maintain themselves, and must either starve or live upon others.