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The exhibit of swine for awards runs between the same dates. The eligible breeds, besides swine in car-lots, are Poland-China, Berkshire, Duroc-Jersey, Chester White, Hampshire, Tamworth, Mule Foot, Large Yorkshire, Large English Black, Victoria, Essex, and Cheshire. The scope of the live-stock department is not limited to the material things of rural life.

Thorpe mastered the colt which had thrown Jim; Thorpe, when fresh meat was wanted, killed handsomely the fat buck missed by the over-eager James; Thorpe made a pretty profit over a hog deal at the psychological moment when poor Misterton allowed three Poland-China sows to escape through an improperly constructed fence! Thorpe was a man. Did Angela think of Jim as a mouse?

He was in one of the quarantine hog-corrals, his sleeves rolled up, a puzzled look of worry puckering his boyish face. "What's up, Doc?" asked Judith. "Don't know, Judy. That's what gets my mad up. Just performed an autopsy on one of your Poland-China gilts." "Found it dead?" asked Judith. "Killed it," grunted Tripp. "Sick. Half dozen more are off their feed and don't look right.

He just held on to his chair, and we could see him stiffen with horror every time some eater would rise up so as to increase his reach and spear a piece of bread six feet away with his fork. The breakfast was a disgusting display of Poland-China manners and was successful in every particular. We confidently expected Petey Simmons to turn up during the meal and tell us what to do next.

If a man failed to praise Uncle Jap's fruit or his wife's sweet pickles, he was not pressed to "call again." The old fellow was inordinately proud of his colts, his Poland-China pigs, his "graded" bull, his fountain in the garden. "Nice place you have, Mr. Panel," a stranger might say. "Yas; we call it Sunny Bushes. Uster be nothin' but sun an' bushes onst. It's nice, yas, and it's paid for."

He then stepped over to a hated rival, and ate off about fifteen cents' worth of his large, red, pompadour comb. He now remarked in a courteous way to a small Poland-China hen, who seemed to be at the head of all works of social improvement, that we were having rather a backward spring. Then he picked out the eye of another rival, much to his surprise, and went on with the conversation.