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Meantime Annatoo was still busy aloft, loosing the smaller sails t'gallants and royals, which she managed partially to set. The strong breeze from astern now filling the ill-set sails, they bellied, and rocked in the air, like balloons, while, from the novel strain upon it, every spar quivered and sprung.

"It's always been at night, Sir," the Second answered. The Old Man nodded. "Have you anything to propose, Mr. Tulipson?" he asked. "Well, Sir," replied the Second Mate. "I think you ought to have her snugged down every night, before dark!" He spoke with considerable emphasis. Then he glanced aloft, and jerked his head in the direction of the unfurled t'gallants.

By the time the main was ready for making fast, we had the fore hauled up, so that now all three t'gallants were in the ropes, and ready for stowing. Then came the order: "Up aloft and furl!" "Up with you, lads," the Second Mate said. "Don't let's have any hanging back this time."

Before we went below, the Second Mate had the three t'gallants set; and now that it was light, we were pretty curious to have a look aloft, especially up the fore; and Tom, who had been up to overhaul the gear, was questioned a lot, when he came down, as to whether there were any signs of anything queer up there. But he told us there was nothing unusual to be seen.

"All hands shorten sail!" he sung out; at the same moment the Mate's whistle came sharp along the decks. Plummer stood up, and reached for his cap. "Well," he said. "It's evydent they ain't goin' ter lose no more of us!" Then we went out on deck. It was a dead calm; but all the same, we furled the three royals, and then the three t'gallants.

Overhead, I could make out dimly the spars and sails, and now as I looked, I saw that the t'gallants and royals had been unloosed and were hanging in the buntlines. Almost in the same moment, the terrible crying of the poor beggars about the decks, ceased; and there succeeded an awful silence, in which I could distinctly hear Tammy sobbing. I reached out, and shook him. "Be quiet! Be quiet!"

This was at some little distance on our port beam; otherwise, all was quiet and peaceful; and though I stared into the water, I could make out no vestige of that great shadow ship, down in the sea. It was some little time after six bells that the order came for all hands to shorten sail for the night. We took in the royals and t'gallants, and then the three courses.